Jens Il 14 is next into the paintshop.


Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
I have nearly got some usable layered masters made up. just the wings left too finnish up on, then it's time too apply some colours.
Playing with bare metal textures, I have finnished me basic layered masters.
Hey Steve!

Wow that looks very promising indeed! I think I'll have to build an additional hangar. :jump:

Today will be the Afgahn Air Forces turn to get a paintjob. Still got lots to do but it gives you an idea of the colour scheme.
I've finished the Afgahni scheme and have started on the Cubana. Now it's time for bed.:sleep:
There will be at least five paint schemes uploaded tomorow, a few more too follow.
I have just uploaded 6 schemes, they will prob show tommorow once admin has done it's thing.