You're absolutely right ! The fin is mapped on one side only, so I'm unable to put anything else than a roundel on the fin (wich has to "accept" mirroring)
I'm guessing here but I believe it's a switch located just left or right of the base of the joystick, you may want to give that a go. I'll boot up the model in the sim later and check.
By the way, there is a difference between the first "PF" J. Cepek released and the E-7/3 and E-7/4 ( SPS and early Mig-21PFM) he made available later. Sadly these models did not stay online for long, I remember downloading them on his website ( 2 years ago and I noticed recently they were not available anymore (and never uploaded on
I wrote Joseph Cepek about this project to enquire about his other projects (Mig-21 U/UM dual seater) but he has not answered so far.
Here are the differences :
The initial PF has a pilot with stratospheric helmet/flightsuit for high altitude flights
The Je-3 and Je-4 have a standard pilot, wearing ZSH-3 helmet (wich is highly authentical)
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