That is very nice!
I may take you up on this one (again!)..
And no I haven't forgotten the He115..
Hallo and good evening Carlos,
your Do 24 panel is living and gets quiet fine.
Now I want to add the radio operator post.
Do you think that from the joined picture you can make something?
It would be fine if the the picture will be in the way that I can in sert without too much problems my german radios gauges
Hallo Carlos,
I have just sended you a mail via my aol mail.
I should contain the basic bmp as I cutted it down from the origianl picture and another picture which is a screenshot as I want to to install my radios in it.
I hope you can make a nice radio operator panel for the Do 24.
Hallo Carlos,
I hope the visit at the dentist wasn't too bad. The greater the distance between my dentist and myself is the better I feel.
I'm looking forward to what you will do out of the pictures I sended you.
good evening Carlos,
I sended you the pics you asked for just before I do see what you almost did.
That looks really well!
Would you send me please the bmp in 1024 x 768?
Tomorrow and monday I'm at home. Than I will integrate it to the panel in work.
Comments and/or suggestions welcome... Available as usual...