Amazing work.
I am speechless...
Today was a "bad day at Black Rock"... .:isadizzy:
I worked all morning on the panel for the He 115 floatplane and...
as I was almost finished... I had a reference photo superimposed on the
work space and wanting to close it... I pushed the wrong X button [the 115 panel almost done) and of course, when it asked "save changes" I said...
NO and away the file went... all the work for nothing... I was depressed...hahaha...:isadizzy:
but restarted what I had left (which was the very beginning layers...) and it is coming pretty nice... actually better than before...
However, I had done a very, very nice job on the bombardier's nose showing on the right... and I don't know whether I can achieve it again...
probably yes... actually, I chalk it up to "experience" and keep plowing the field...
I should have it here by tomorrow...
Really outstanding work! You've got a talent that few people can match with your speed and accuracy.
Since you seem open to suggestions, I hope you will consider the following:
1.) Milton Shupe's Avia series of aircraft could use an accurate depiction of their panels if they can be found
somewhere. To my knowledge, he used a jury-rigged panel in them and I have never seen/heard of an accurate
one developed.
2.) Milton's also going to start his Douglas A-20 Havoc project later on. I don't know if he's got an A-20 panel or not.
3.) Got anything different for the Douglas DC-3/4/6/7 series aircraft and/or the Douglas Skyraider ??
I do have a nice Douglas Skyrader panel that started a long time ago and never finished... will work on it next...
As to the Avia panel... I need to research it on the net... I was thinking about it because the model has outstanding
skin work for a natural metal finish (the version by Nigel)... I do have an unfinished Havoc panel I can work on...
Before you do anything with the A-20 panel, you might want to look here in the "Maintenance and Handling Instructions". It shows an A-20 panel and discusses what is there.
Before you do anything with the A-20 panel, you might want to look here in the "Maintenance and Handling Instructions". It shows an A-20 panel and discusses what is there.
Before you do anything with the A-20 panel, you might want to look here in the "Maintenance and Handling Instructions". It shows an A-20 panel and discusses what is there.
Great effort. But I believe your panel color is too "minty" green. Can you recolor to more of an olive drab??
Go to and search for A-20 Havoc. You will get an idea of what "Olive Drab" is for a color.
Great effort. But I believe your panel color is too "minty" green. Can you recolor to more of an olive drab??
Go to and search for A-20 Havoc. You will get an idea of what "Olive Drab" is for a color.
Enrique Medal has done an A-20 panel for FSX (and someone else for CFS1) that appears quite good. You may want to download it and examine the structure of the bitmaps, what is and is not put on bitmaps, what is used in popups, etc.
I don't believe it would be worthwhile to reinvent this project as his panel is freeware.
Here's a link:
I'd be interested to see this but the link does not work... do you know where it is posted?
I'd be interested to see this but the link does not work... do you know where it is posted?
The panel with this model was very much bare bones... so I redid it...
Comments welcome...