Just to let you know ...


Do you remember where u got the Lancaster_224 engine sounds?

There are also the "FS2004 Avro Lancaster Sound package by Doug Smith and Des Braban." around somewhere!

That is where I found it. Since it is freeware I just included the credits in the file.
OK! Well I just put a folder with the FS2004 sounds into the engine sounds folder and did the sound configs to it. I suggest people look at how ETO?MAW does it to see how to change the configs.

Halis and gliders. Flying tip.

1. Do not do any sudden manoeuvres as the tug will act like a boat being towed by another.:mixedsmi:

2. Take off and subsequent climb must be slow and steady; not more than 15 degrees up angle. It will take practice.
Thank you Nacht, and thank you Pat for the Horsa; I was talking with a family friend during the week who is a veteran of Horsa landings including Pegasus Bridge (btw Pat, he's another Devonian) so this will add more interest. :ernae: :applause::applause::applause: