Well, this thread is back, things have slowed down a little here and I'm able to implement Tom's suggestion re: 8-bit resolution for the F-4 photo-recon Lightning.
First made a copy of the P-38/F-4 texture, then put the batch file plus the imagetool.exe file into the texture folder per instructions. Next, opened the batch file via right-click, and went to the wording. Changed it to read as follows:
From "IMAGETOOL -r -brief -DXT3 -detail -nomip -nowarning -e bmp *.bmp" to "IMAGETOOL -r -brief -8 -detail -nomip -nowarning -e bmp *.bmp".
Not sure if I put the "8" in the right place.
Then ran the new batch file, which was renamed to "bmp to -8", while still inside the texture file. Then put the texture back into the F-4 folder and gave it a try. Still getting the same results.
Earlier this morning I followed through on a thought I had about this aircraft. Opened external view in windowed mode, then started everything using virtual cockpit on the main screen. Interior and exterior textures were fine throughout this process, from start through taxi into takeoff and climbout. Noted all ground textures became very blockly and fuzzy. Airport objects except for runways greyed out. Aircraft inside & outside remained fine. As an experiment, tried switching views within the window, and went back to greyed-out landing gear, pilot, panel, etc.
Did I edit the batch file correctly, or incorrectly?:mixedsmi: