K. Ito's F-86D/K/L upgrade project


Another upgrade kit im working on, that would cover Sabre dog version D, K and L

Liveries still in wip, main textures from SF8 F-86 paintkit adapted to Ito's bird, with the kind permission of Jan Visser as well as VC retexturing and gauges set up using SF8 gauges as well as a working radar from the Vautour by Barney Bigard.




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Looks great :encouragement:. Is there any hope, you will do a Durch version as well? Mr Kaasjager (among others) would be very pleased.


From now, I am working on alpha channel for the liveries I already did. Dutch F-86 will be covered, as well as Fiat licence-built for AMI and armée de l'air.
Expect a package in the same style than the cavalier with many liveries covering globally all users.

I can hardly give a timeline as I'm getting busy again.

Thanks everybody for showing interest and kind words

Thanks very much for looking into this, I think a "D" was one of the birds the SF8 folks long ago stated they were going to produce but this never came about. I always thought this aircraft was a jewel waiting to be polished a bit and you're doing just fine with it. Really looking forward to the finished product!
This jet is stuck in my memory because of an incident that occurred when I was on field work out somewhere in Minnesota one winter. I can't remember where. I was done for the day and stopped by a hobby store to look around the shelves (you can sometimes find some real jewels in these remote locations, kits that came out years ago and were never bought by anyone, that have languished on the shelves gathering dust and become collectors' items). A customer came in and joined a queue that had formed at the register, doing hangar flying. One of the gentlemen said his USAF experience had included flying the F-86D. During that time, he had flown one of the jets to an airport fairly close to his parents' home and they were coming to pick him up for the night. He had used the drag chute to help stop himself. He attempted to refold it and repack it into its compartment on the tail before leaving the airport to return to home plate. He told me he wasn't able to refold it the way he knew it should have been done and wound up wadding it into the compartment and using a broom handle like a ramrod to ensure it was packed all the way in. The one thing he said he remembered to do was ensure the drogue chute was the last part of the chute to go into that compartment. He must have gotten it right somehow because he said it functioned normally upon RTB - but he wouldn't ever recommend that to anyone else, ever again!

I came further to my inital work and I started reworking Jan Visser SF8 F-86E/F to F-86K metal template, adding shade for the nose radome and shape as well as modified alpha for a shinier rendering. Not bad look for such an old bird and sim :)

A F-86D new template will follow....



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Ami 51-62


A few precisions about the work to come, divided in 3 different packages :

A F-86K European liveries package

A F-86D USAF & foreign liveries package

A F-86 Sabre Dog prototypes and experimental liveries



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A few precisions about the work to come, divided in 3 different packages :

A F-86K European liveries package

A F-86D USAF & foreign liveries package

A F-86 Sabre Dog prototypes and experimental liveries


Hi L'Iguane,

Please look at the font You are using in 51-62, the "6" is just a little different, the font used by AMI was the original USAF "Amarillo", with some little modifications in "5" and "2".
