Kazunori Ito's Newest : Heinkel HE-111Z Zwilling


SOH Staff
Now available at Flightsim ...

FS2002/FS2004 Heinkel He-111Z Zwilling

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Name: he_111z.zip Size: 16,180,769 Date: 05-11-2010
FS2002/FS2004 Heinkel He-111Z Zwilling. This was the most unusual variant of the aircraft ever developed. It was built to tow the massive Me 321 Gigant glider, which weighted in at 75,000 lbs when full. Heinkel's solution to this problem was to take two He 111H-6s, place them side by side and then connect them with a new central wing section. A fifth engine was placed at the center of the new central wing, producing a five engined aircraft with two full fuselages, with the seven man crew split between the two sides. Two kinds of paint examples (green camouflage and sand paint for desert) are included. Single fuselage H6-Type model is also included in this package. by Kazunori Ito.

Cheers ! Mike :salute:
This may be one of Mr. Ito's coolest ever:wiggle: Even the landing gear foot print is wider than the runway. Looks super in flight. Also included is a sound set which is unusual for Mr. Ito.
First time I've ever tried a six point landing in virtually (sorry) any sort of flying machine. What a wonderful choice to re-create. Thank you very much indeed, Kazunori!! As alays very much appreciated.

Only problem now is finding an airfield that has wide enough runway and I bet in real life it must have been a handful in a crosswind!!

Best wishes,

I had hoped someone would do that aircraft since it is one of the most unique creations of the Heinkel factory.

I am sometimes having trouble with the positive exchange of controls with my flying partner and we're sitting in the same Saratoga cockpit......I wonder if they actually left controls on both He-111 cockpits or if one was cleared out.

As for X-wind landings I think it probably was not much of an issue since most of the fields where this combo would take off from would be large enough to simply point the Heinkel and Glider into the wind.
Aside from that you would need to be really good on the "kick-out" method where you crab into the wind until just before touch down and then simultaneously roll the upwind wing down and rudder "kick" the nose to runway alignment.

This way the upwind Mains touch down and "hold the airplane" ....then you fly the rest down.

Done exactly right you can go far above the POH values on most airplanes for the actual landing....directional control on the roll out and taxi of course are still another thing.
With our Archer I could easily do 30kt x-winds using this technique. The Saratoga is a bit tougher to get the timing exactly right so I usually stop playing at 25kts or so.

It makes me so happy to see Ito-san's aircraft factory open again. As he is one of the very few people who models these strange and oft-forgotten flying curiosities, he will always be a very valued member of the flight simming community! :salute:
Great model but I can't get it in the air! As if it has to little lift. What am I doing wrong?


Exellent :ernae::applause::applause:
I like also the sounds.
First test flight promissing

Some pics ...




Test flight video

Already made

Little modification main gear contact point ( a little uped)

To do list (for my taste ...)
Reduce the power
Modification of the prop's disc
Are you guy flying with all the realism sliders to the right? I do, and I can't get this one airborne?

Great model but I can't get it in the air! As if it has to little lift. What am I doing wrong?


I have all the sliders to the right, but did have a few problems when starting up or taxiing as she seemed to jump all over the place. Within a few seconds this settled down and everything was fine again.

Very nice

Looks very nice indeed, but seems to be in dying need of some decent prop textures!!!

some decent prop textures!!!
Try the one in attachement

I have all the sliders to the right, but did have a few problems when starting up or taxiing as she seemed to jump all over the place. Within a few seconds this settled down and everything was fine again.

That's a minor problem
The major is the main gear wheels are buried in ground when the plane come to horizontal position when take off !
The air and cfg files are for a plane half the size of this one. Try this set, it works
well for me.
I adjusted the contact points on my .cfg and they work for me. I have saved Terry's two mods and may try those, but all work okay after my contact point adhustment.

For the record my mods were:


I also worked up a new propwash, not having seen the one done by claudius. The props at rest are black with yellow tips, that is not so, I took the engine texture containing the prop map and painted in black-green overall. Both the new engine texture containing the repainted prop and my new prop blur are in the zip attachemnt.


Cazzie .. with your contact points mod you modify the height of the main gear wheels .. good.
But the problem of burried wheels on take off is not solved .
The other mod above solve also this problem !
Props are decents :)