Kill claims form doesn't appear anymore - why is that?


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
This could have been MY day - shot down 4 Sopwith Pup, flown by aces even!
And then - I don't get the kill claims form?!
What happened?
I watched the replay, and there they were shown - all four of them.
But no claims could be made; I just didn't get the form.
Any ideas, anyone?
You bet, Siggi - read my thread: this could have been my day.

I've never been better, and now...
You bet, Siggi - read my thread: this could have been my day.

I've never been better, and now...

Yeah, I'd already read it before this one. I would probably have kicked the cat through the window.

(I'm joking Hetzer).
I have noticed that the claim form ONLY appears if the replay says you personally shot down the airplane. Of course, you only find this out later, because the claim form comes up before you can watch the replay. But apparently there's something in the game that decides that you have a valid claim, and therefore brings up the claim form, and that this same thing is what makes the replay say you actually shot down the enemy in question.

This seems to be the case even if 1) no other airborne friendlies even fired at the enemy, 2) you shot him up badly, 3) there's no message in the replay that Archie hit him, and 4) he ended up crashing during your fight with him.

The other day I fought 3 Albatri alone, hit at least 2 of them badly, and 2 ended up crashing during the fight. But I didn't see either go down, I just noticed their burning wrecks later during the same fight. I know for sure I hit 1 of those that crashed, because I saw the other (and most hit) enemy fly away. Archie was shooting at them all. However, the replay showed no Archie hits, so the 2 dead ones went down either due to the damage I gave them, or from stalling while maneuvering with me. Either way, I feel responsible for their deaths. However, the claim for didn't come up and the replay just said they'd crashed, not that I'd shot them down.

Maybe you have to see the enemy crash or at least catch fire to be able to file a claim? I don't know.

The problem here is that you have no opportunity to lie at all. I would have filed a probable on both those that went down AND the damaged one that flew away, because he looked unable to get much further. But I didn't get the chance.

At other times, I've known I got some guys and think I'm justified in claiming others. IOW, 1 definitely down in flames, and another last seen going down after bad hits, and then a few seconds later you note a burning wreck below in the area where you last saw that guy headed. So when the claim form comes up, I use 2 lines, 1 for the flamer and 1 for the guy I assume I shot down. However, I get the message that my claim will automatically be rejected until I remove the non-flamer.

The result of all this is that after a battle, there are often 2 or 3 dead enemies for which nobody can file a claim. Not you, nor your AI wingmen. But somebody should get credit for them :). Of course, I'm spoiled from the "manuever kills" handed out in Aces High....
Really, Gimpy? I'll have a look. I'd prefer it to be my stupidity, than a severe mistake. And 6 Pups may come my way again (Lol!)

PS: I don't have a cat, Siggi (lucky little being - Lol!)
BULLET, the replay said clearly, I had shot all 4 planes down.

GIMPY, the setting in workshop is at "Normal" - so, I should be getting a claim form, right?
I don't have to worry about such things, the ONE time, I almost ended the life of a german pilot. My gun jammed, just as 3 of his pals showed up on my six. I was hospitalized for 23 days, but since my self imposed limit is 22, he retired. :kilroy:
GIMPYGUY: ...the ONE time, I almost ended the life of a german pilot. My gun jammed

What are you doing all the time then, Gimpy? Sightseeing?
No wonder your guns jammed - maybe a matter of rust (Lol!!)
GIMPYGUY: ...the ONE time, I almost ended the life of a german pilot. My gun jammed

What are you doing all the time then, Gimpy? Sightseeing?
No wonder your guns jammed - maybe a matter of rust (Lol!!)


The clue might be in his nick, he has trouble reaching the cocking-handles.

I've had similar issues with the claim report. I was hoping V1.2 might fix them. If I make a kill during a mission, it's about a 50% shot that the claim report pops up when I'm done. I'll send the details to the dev team the next time this happens to see if the game is operating as they intended.

One solution might be to allow players to enter claims after every mission, no matter if you make a kill or not. Rather than hoping that the claim report pops up automatically. Let the claim process sort out the liars.

Overall I really like the concept of making claims, its just a bite frustrating when you get a kill or two and the claim report fails to pop up.
No it's just extremely poor eyesight, combined with a refusal to use the targeting cone, or those ridiculous yellow brackets.

It's a matter of awakening one morning, and your vision stinks. It was around Turkey Day 08

My best was 11 hrs. 21 min/ 17 claims 11confirmed

Since then I cheat a lot, and get retired a lot :kilroy:
Hi, Velvet
Yes, that's a possible idea. And off course, the claim report is great - wouldn't miss it.

Hey, Gimpy, sorry about the joking, didn't know. So, that can come so suddenly, within one night of sleeping? And your kills were before that, I suppose? But great, you carry on - now you're in for the close kills!
It was your great day. Exciting encounter. I know you well enough to know you will get over the disappointment. At least you lived to tell the story. And thanks for sharing. Coincidently you flew the Albatros DIII. I started building an old Aurora model kit of the DIII yesterday. I haven't decided yet on the paint sceme or "skin". I sink jew are havink ze too much fun Herr Olham. Don't let it "wanze" you mmmmuuhhhahhahha
Hi, Rickitycrate
AURORA models - you just played a string, that hadn't been struck for many years. Yes, I remember them!
I will get me a 1:32 scale model of a Czech or Polish company, named RODEN.
Here's the link to their site - best study !:48 or 1:32 !

Yes, I'll get over the loss.
And I wrote an E-mail to and got a reaction the same EVENING ! I mean, it's not nearly business time now, not even in England (Lol!)

A new thought about it is: I was all alone, and over enemy territory.
So, I had NO witnesses. Perhaps that's why?

Good nite for now. Olham
I have also had a couple of flights were the claims form didn't come up, even though the replay confirmed I had shot down planes. My stats (bullets shot and hit percentage) also came up all zeros for the mission...anyone seeing that too?

Anyway, it is a rare occurance for me and I have not been able to discern a pattern to it. Seemed to be on Scramble missions, but not enough data to confirm that yet.
One solution might be to allow players to enter claims after every mission, no matter if you make a kill or not. Rather than hoping that the claim report pops up automatically. Let the claim process sort out the liars.
THIS is also something I would like to see, maybe a more generic after action report for each flight that would be in a script font so it looks handwritten. Then you could claim 6 DVII's every flight and get shot down by HQ each time!

Olham, I had a bug with my claim report where I had to clear the log to get it working properly again. Hopefully you won't have to resort to that, try a few more flights and see if you are getting them again.

The more I think about my misfortune, the more I come to this conclusion:

If you have no wingmen near to witness your kill(s), you can't fill in any names in the claims report. Right?
So, it would be rejected anyway; or it couldn't even be filled out.
I think, that must be the reason, why it didn't appear. No 'mistake' in the program, but pure logic rather?

Would those of you remember, how your situation was, when the claims form didn't appear? Could it be, you also were without witnesses?

In that case, it would just be right - no witness, no claim, no kill confirmation.
(Otherwise, everybody could boast about fictional kills after a lone wolf mission). What do you think?
In my last two combats, I shot down or appeared to have shot down some enemy, but no claim forms came up afterwards. I don't believe I watched the reply though. I was separated from my flight, so no airborne witnesses, but there would've been ground witnesses as they were receiving ground fire also as well as fire from my observer. I just figured one of them got the credit and not me. But, since I was 'alone' that may have been the reason. "It went down right here! Our side of the lines! Can't the army look for it?"

Next time, I'll have to land and cut off the serial number, if it didn't burn.