Dear Devs,
First off, I love this game!!! It's awesome. Now for the sake of historical accuracy, I fly with all the settings set to realistic except auto-rudder and auto mixture. I expect to get shot down regularly (and I am every few missions) and I fully realize that getting a Confirmation for Kill Claims was just brutally hard back then. So on Lone Wolf missions, I expect to get no credit. On any mission where my wingman survives, I expect to get credit for around a mere 20% of the ones I shoot down, because I figure they are too busy fighting for their life to take much notice of what I am shooting at.
I have no problems with any of that....HOWEVER I had a scramble mission over my own airfield because the british were attacking it. I was first up and there were 3 bris scouts flying about. They must have been all novices because I was able to shoot all three down with hardly a scratch to my own plane. Two crashed a hundred yards or less from my airfield and one crashed directly into it! None of my flight submitted any claims for Kills and none of them were shot down. I copied down the type of planes I killed and my wingmans name and rank correctly on the Kill Claim form. All three claims were REJECTED. I'm thinking when the entire flight survives and can see all three crashed enemy planes while standing on their own airfield (one of which they had to avoid the wreckage of while they landed) I should have had a really good chance of getting Confirmed Credit for those 3 kills. Evidently I had the wrong Wingman listed in the Report. I should have written down Ray Charles.
May I respectfully submit to the Devs that if and when a 1.2 patch ever comes out, that some tweaking of the Confirmation of Kill Claim reports be a part of it.
Most appreciately and respectfully yours,
First off, I love this game!!! It's awesome. Now for the sake of historical accuracy, I fly with all the settings set to realistic except auto-rudder and auto mixture. I expect to get shot down regularly (and I am every few missions) and I fully realize that getting a Confirmation for Kill Claims was just brutally hard back then. So on Lone Wolf missions, I expect to get no credit. On any mission where my wingman survives, I expect to get credit for around a mere 20% of the ones I shoot down, because I figure they are too busy fighting for their life to take much notice of what I am shooting at.
I have no problems with any of that....HOWEVER I had a scramble mission over my own airfield because the british were attacking it. I was first up and there were 3 bris scouts flying about. They must have been all novices because I was able to shoot all three down with hardly a scratch to my own plane. Two crashed a hundred yards or less from my airfield and one crashed directly into it! None of my flight submitted any claims for Kills and none of them were shot down. I copied down the type of planes I killed and my wingmans name and rank correctly on the Kill Claim form. All three claims were REJECTED. I'm thinking when the entire flight survives and can see all three crashed enemy planes while standing on their own airfield (one of which they had to avoid the wreckage of while they landed) I should have had a really good chance of getting Confirmed Credit for those 3 kills. Evidently I had the wrong Wingman listed in the Report. I should have written down Ray Charles.
May I respectfully submit to the Devs that if and when a 1.2 patch ever comes out, that some tweaking of the Confirmation of Kill Claim reports be a part of it.
Most appreciately and respectfully yours,