Kill Claims - They didn't see THAT?!?

HELLSHADE: Next time I'll be sure to shoot the fellow down so that he lands in the adjutants soup with a sign around his neck that says "Hellshade got me".

OLHAM:Don't do that - under no circumstances! Nothing would bring up the Adjutant more, than a Nupe in his soup. Except, if you drank his beer, perhaps. You wouldn't get any more kills confirmed, ever! (Lol!)
I have a question about filling out the kill claim form. The witness and type of aircraft sections are straight forward, but what do you write in the last column? Do you write kill or shot down or what? I've seen it say hit aircraft or something like that.

Just curious.
Here is an example of a combat report :

Cheers for that Mk, I was looking for one this afternoon for about an hour, couldn't find a thing. :)
Having claims confirmed or rejected based on location {whose side of the lines, proximity of friendly ground forces that could see the action, etc, would be a wonderful addition if practical. I do not know if such is possible given the program as it is.
Having claims confirmed or rejected based on location {whose side of the lines, proximity of friendly ground forces that could see the action, etc, would be a wonderful addition if practical. I do not know if such is possible given the program as it is.

Yes, that would be very nice. I believe confirmation by ground forces was quite common.
Yes, that would be very nice. I believe confirmation by ground forces was quite common.

Yup, there were rear echelon guys all over behind the front, who welcomed the chance to watch a dogfight as a break from watching a mule's hind end. This besides all the airfield personnel, depot troops, and others more or less fixed in place in the rear. They were all good about reporting any planes they saw go down. Troops in the front lines would often confirm kills they saw go down just across the other side. It was SOP in such cases to fire on the downed plane with arty to make sure the enemy couldn't salvage anything, and this was all reported back.

Thus, a pilot would say he saw a plane go down at such-and-such location. By the end of the day, all the reports from ground units would be in and compared to the reports. Nobody had cell phones back then so there was no real chance of cheating on this. If a pilot's claim matched something that the ground troops saw, then the claim was confirmed.
Here's whats been work for me at about 45% confirm rate with a wittiness.

Wittiness box..... Put your wing man's first and last name, no rank, it says no rank in the box.

Number .... only claim 1 in each line, multi kill flights use multi lines

Aircraft type...... use pull down menu

Deception box..... keep it short and simple, "shot down one Phalz DII behind our lines near my petrol area"

I am running about 40-45% confirm rate so far. As long as they go down on my side of the front. Behind their lines is a different story.
Guys, I posted a few of my findings for best results over at SimHQ's OFF forum, but here's an excerpt from the style I use to file my claims. They seem to return me a 70% plus or minus points a few confirmed:

19/3/1918 - Flying: SE5a Hispano-Suiza. On this day claims: 1 Alb DVa . Engaged a flight of 2 Albatros DVa's over British trenches at an initial altitude of 9000 feet in the vicinity east of Albert. I first engaged a DVa with a black fuselage and white eagle/star emblem. After expending approximately 300 rounds in a turning gun-battle, the enemy machine seemed to have lost power as a result of the engine damage caused, caught flame and spiraled earthbound, crashing into a lightly wooded area 1km behind the British lines near Albert.. Witnessed by: Ian D R McDonald Status : Confirmed

Note where you are, when, how many rounds you fired, where you hit him, how he went down, where he went down, what he looked like.... the whole works. The more information the better as you run a better chance seemingly on hitting those "keywords" as well as giving a more descriptive take on it. Think about if someone had to go and look for your kills, you'd want to be as descriptive as possible. Seems to work for me!
Excellent Work Winder

Those are perfect options! Just like in the flight model options, there is something in there to please everyone from "Arcade" to Realistic mode. Is it possible for my favorite game to become my even more favorite game? I think it just did. With a Dev community this responsive to reasonable user feedback, OFF's future is very bright indeed.

Anyone who isn't sure if P3 is worth the upgrade price is really missing out on a fantastic experience. As good as P2 was, P3 is the real deal.

Thanks to everyone for their great ideas and feedback. It's not just a great Flight Sim. It's a great community too.


And yes, I beleive the adjutant wouldn't find "a Nupe in the Soup" to be very cute. But desperate times called for desperate measures. :)
Note where you are, when, how many rounds you fired, where you hit him, how he went down, where he went down, what he looked like.... the whole works. The more information the better as you run a better chance seemingly on hitting those "keywords" as well as giving a more descriptive take on it. Think about if someone had to go and look for your kills, you'd want to be as descriptive as possible. Seems to work for me!

I agree. Trying to be as close as possible to the format of the actual kill reports filed in WW1 seems to work pretty well. I write mine very much like your example, but I always include the phrases "went down out of control" and "seen to crash", which appear to have been "keywords" in real life, given how many times I've seen them used in the old reports.
Winder, (and the rest of you all for FYI purposes in your claims)

Another thing you might want to look at in the claims department is a little issue I found:

I logged one kill as "blah blah blah..... expending approximately 300 rounds .... blah blah blah" and it seemed that the "pending" in "expending" was tagged for the Confirmation change.

As my log now reads "blah blah blah..... exConfirmed approximately 300 rounds .... blah blah blah" and where it should say confirmed at the bottom of the entry, still shows "Pending 72"

So it looks like it is scanning for the word pending for the first place to slap down "Confirmed". The kill is still confirmed in my tally without a problem, just makes the log look weird. Not a big deal at all, I simply just wont say anything that spells out the word pending anywhere in my claim reports for the time being. Thanks!