Kirk Olssons Freeware F-16 (FS2004)


Great work Jason. Lovely to see such a good model as Kirk's given even more skins. I agree with you Sascha, this a great a/c to take up and chill out with. Shoot a few 'touch and goes'. Go into exernal view and buzz yourself . . . aaaahhhhh. Almost as much fun as the Hubsan Quadcopter that my daughter bought me!

Looking fwd to flaunting your new skins for this great model.

Thanks Jason and thank you Kirk - this is still a classic.

Its very easy to take off the heavy weathering so that's not a problem to do a 'clean' version of the Hellenic Air Force.

Here's a couple of shots of another fictitious F-16 but this time maybe a Tigermeet 2014 participant.

Its very easy to take off the heavy weathering so that's not a problem to do a 'clean' version of the Hellenic Air Force.

Here's a couple of shots of another fictitious F-16 but this time maybe a Tigermeet 2014 participant.

Is there any chance to relase your incredible work?
I don't believe that Jason is active in Flight Sim any more. Look at the dates of posting on the screenshots.

I am still around but not repainting anymore i'm afraid due to illness but I do get to fly now and again. :jump:

Sorry to hear about your illness, your contribution to the hobby is greatly appreciated. Are these repaints released in the wild, as I too love the fly the Falcon (even if it isn't a Hornet :adoration:)?
