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    Library How to

Landing lights not working, and Afterburner effect is extremely dim, Iris F22 Raptor Drive on P3Dv4.5


To Whom It May Concern:

Really need your help on this one. some of the aircraft lighting effects (Landing lights, aren't showing up at night. Also Afterburner flames are dim at night. I activated the landing light switch from the F22 cockpit. What's so ironic is a couple of times I hit a button on my keyboard and the scenery reloaded; guess what all the required lighting effects appeared; however when I reload the sim, the same problem Become apparent again. Okay so I backed up my required files and did a uninstall , reinstalled and reactivate. Note I didn't reinstall my addons; only the P3Dv4.5 defaults. The result was the same; dim afterburner effects and no landing lights on the F22 raptor Driver, when the landing switch was activated in the cockpit.I researched the keyboard functions for P3Dv4.5 and didn't find any options that cause the sim to run normally. One of the addons I had. had the same problem; however when I pressed a key? everything worked fine. Again I'm not sure what I did. I also made sure that my video card met the P3Dv4.5 standards. Not sure if my card drivers need updating. all my hardware (Yokes, throttles etc), work fine. My USB plugin outlets are in front of the computer console. Now the odd thing is I elected to install P3Dv4.5 on my E drive; however it seems Lockheed also puts some files on my C drive. Not sure why? I'm running windows 10, A AMD 8350 with Turbo (4.2), 32GB of RAM and I have a Nvidia Gforce GTX 1060 Super clocked video card (6 GB). Note: Installed P3Dv4.5 14.34698 latest Hotfix. Here are two screen shots of what the lighting and AB lighting should look like at night.Note: Are there any patches for running the F22 Raptor Driver in P3Dv4.5? As for the plane itself it flies great and all other effects work okay. Please I'd be most grateful if anyone would respond at your earliest convenience, with some resolution, okay. Thank you for your time and patience; much appreciated.:)




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I don't fly the Raptor, so I've never fixed any of these issues myself. But what I've found is as follows:

All of these are issues with the jet itself. It's not your install. I am running v4.5 as well and mine is also this way and neither the taxi or landing lights work on the F-22 when switching them on for some reason. However, I noticed that if I hit the "L" key they will briefly turn on and go right off. To me, this means that something is hardwired in the jet's makeup that's making them not work. I even changed the time of day to see if that was it. Still nothing. I also went into MCX to see if there were custom visibility conditions perhaps making it so they don't work. Nope, those are all the stock settings. Which again leads me to believe it has something to do with an XML gauge that's probably not working properly to allow those lights to come on. The burner effect to be made brighter is also something a user would have to modify to make brighter/darker. Which is the BURNER_T (standard daytime texture) or the BURNER_L (night texture).
I don't fly the Raptor, so I've never fixed any of these issues myself. But what I've found is as follows:

All of these are issues with the jet itself. It's not your install. I am running v4.5 as well and mine is also this way and neither the taxi or landing lights work on the F-22 when switching them on for some reason. However, I noticed that if I hit the "L" key they will briefly turn on and go right off. To me, this means that something is hardwired in the jet's makeup that's making them not work. I even changed the time of day to see if that was it. Still nothing. I also went into MCX to see if there were custom visibility conditions perhaps making it so they don't work. Nope, those are all the stock settings. Which again leads me to believe it has something to do with an XML gauge that's probably not working properly to allow those lights to come on. The burner effect to be made brighter is also something a user would have to modify to make brighter/darker. Which is the BURNER_T (standard daytime texture) or the BURNER_L (night texture).
Hey Scorch00:
You can now fly the Raptor. By accident I solved the light landing light and afterburner problem. Here is what I posted on the P3D forum:

To whom It May concern:
I solved this problem; easy fix. Okay when you use the TIME PREVIEW option; anotherwords changing the scenery from day to night, where it gives you the option to cancel or apply, select apply. All landing lights will be on and the afterburner effects are brighter. Now if you switch back to the day scenery, the landing lights can be toggled on or off, and the afterburners will remain the same, unless you hit the apply option to keep the day changes. Note when you choose the apply option make sure you toggle your landing light to on in the cockpit. Again in order to get the full night effects Landing lights on and afterbuner effect; select apply option on the Time Preview tab everything will work fine. Incidentally I accidentally solved this by just choosing the apply option on the Time Preview tab. Many thanks to everyone for their help. I'll post this on the forum for anyone who needs it.

So if you have any questions, please respond anytime okay. The plane is great to fly, so again take it for a spin. Scorch00 thank you for your time and patience; and keep simming. Don't give on P3Dv4.5, okay Take care and stay safe.


Frank T AKA Uptunt