Landing the ALphasim Jaguar....failure after failure!

I'm sure it's art waayy over my head. What I would like is to remove the built-in lights and afterburner of this Alpa.. Jag and sprinkle on some better ones. I can't turn 'em off at all.
I forgot about the built in lights. The built in AB flame is "gone"...still part of the plane, but set to be 100% transparent and replaced with real AB effects and activated by a really nice AB gauge by Rob B. These will be in the Restoration package that I will be uploading. I will see what I can do about the built in lights...if I can remove them without having to start back over from step one with the MDL files, they will be gone. Sometimes, after I do the reflective texture tweaking, the MDL files can no longer be read by MDLmat.

The problems I was having landing the Jag are totally gone...and the ground handling is better than it was in stock form. I just pulled off a one-engine landing, at below stall speed, with full flaps, in a nose high (very high) attitude using thrust from the one working engine to keep me from slamming into the ground. Landed at 110 knots, with the plane in a nose-up 45 degree angle and left engine belting out thrust. It was a beautiful piece of luck I can tell you that.


EDIT: I was able to get back into the MDL files...will work on removing the modeled on lights.
EDIT2: Did some checking and I have the materials in my cross hairs...they shall be sniped! Will report back with a sitrep once the mission is completed. Have 12 MDL files to tweak...may take a little while.

Mission Lights Out is FUBAR'd.

Even starting from an original Alpha supplied MDL file, I can not get rid of the modeled in lights. I found 4 MDL materials that are the exact same color as the lights (RED, that bright Blue Green, Creamy white and white...being left nav, right nav, tail nav and landing lights). I set the material to 0,0,0,0 (meaning pitch black with 100% transparency) on all four categories (diffuse, ambient, specular and emmissive) and the lights are still there.

I will sleep on this one and see if either the gorilla who messes up my hair while I am sleeping or the cat who takes a dump in my mouth during the night can give me any clues how to get those lights to go bye bye.

I don't know why you are bothering with this struggle when UKMIl have theexact same a/c tweaked to a high standard.
Just trynig to save you some grey hairs.... :mixedsmi:
I tried to download the UKMIL plane...and I have to pay to play. And if I'm going to shell out real money for a can darn well bet that it is not going to be for a tweaked version of a plane that I got from someplace else for free. Maybe I'm old fashioned...but I don't think so.

Scratch that.....I got it downloading now. Will check it out. But I will still complete the restoration of the Alpha Jaguar and share it here at SOH. It's too late to avoid gray mustache looks like something that fell off the Abominable Snowman and my head ain't far behind.

EDIT: The FSX package downloaded already...and I looked at the MDL files...they are the original Alphasim MDL files...meaning they will still have the modeled on AB flames...unlike the MDL files I will be uploading here which have had the modeled on AB flames removed so that real AB effects can be used on the plane...along with a number of other MDL tweaks.

EDIT: Checked out the FSX package from offense to anyone...but I will stick with what I am working on. The flight dynamics may be mostly stock Alpha...but the improved visuals and effects are well worth the effort.

Went looking for some data on the web which resulted in some updates for the aircraft.cfg station loadouts and fuel tanks. The XYZ offsets are a best guess.

empty_weight = 16975
max_gross_weight = 34612
reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0
empty_weight_CG_position = 0, 0, -2
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 55430
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 7412
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 35277
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0
max_number_of_stations = 5
station_load.0= 0, 0.0, 0.0, -4.0, Center 5000 lb
station_load.1= 0, 0.0, 8.0, -2.5, R Inner 2500 lb
station_load.2= 0, 0.0, -8.0, -2.5, L Inner 2500 lb
station_load.3= 0, 0.0, 11.0, -2.6, R Outer 1250 lb
station_load.4= 0, 0.0, -11.0, -2.6, L outer 1250 lb

Note: "R Inner 1500 lb" means this is the right inner pylon which can take a max payload of 2500 lbs. Total max payload is 10,000 lbs (or less in case you want to carry more fuel). You can set up the loadouts in the payload screen:

View attachment 36814

;Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
;Max capacity 2041 gallons = 1102 gallons internal (fuselage + wing cells) + 3x 313 gallons in external RP36 drop tanks
fuel_type = 2
number_of_tank_selectors = 1
Center1 = 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1103, 3
Center2 = 0, 0.0, -4.0, 313, 0
External1 = 0, 8.0, -2.5, 313, 0
External2 = 0, -8.0, -2.5, 313, 0

I will add your payload and fuel configs to the Jag project if you don't mind. I may alter the fuel config set up a bit...I don't have a fuel selector gauge that will handle Center 1, Center 2, External 1, and External 2. But I do have a fuel selector gauge that will handle Main, Left Wing, Right Wing and External. I will set Center 1 as main, Center 2 as Drop, External 1 as Left Wing and External 2 as Right Wing. That way all four fuel stations can be selectable. Of course, the player would have to adjust fuel to reflect the particular loadout he is flying.

THe 2D and VC panels have been regauged with nice gauges, a much better PFD screen and a working HUD display. Need to get some permissions to use the gauges, but I am pretty sure that I will receive the green light....the main gauges are old FSD FS98 gauges that have been used in countless freeware packages. The PFD and HUD are from IRIS birds...and I have an IRIS worker seeking the green light to use and include those gauges in the package.

I need to do some size and position work on the VC gauges....trial and error until I get them right where they need to be...they are close, but not close enough.

Once I get the gauge work done, get the required permissions, I can package up the MDL files, the tweaked panels, the tweaked aircraft.cfg files and get this project uploaded. I won't be doing any new skins for the project...have far too many irons in the fire already...but someone is working on paint templates for the birds and will be doing some paints for the birds and will upload them as he gets them done.

Obio & Smoothie, can you please PM me your email addresses - I have something which might be of use in the upgrade & the subsequent repaints.