large formations in campaign spawns

Grrrr - a post describing a second mission just completely disappeared!!!

In short the Germans HAVE invaded and are now occupying a lot of SE England. This could be an irregularity with the campaign not the modified spawn files, I'm thinking. It's certainly not what should be happening, after just a handful of missions, successful or not.

Warped to the objective, ending up at 20,000 feet. No Huns in sight or on TAC. Just the purple marker ahead of us, then slipping underneath us. At Angels Twenty, the TAC even at 4 miles should have been able to pick them up.


Spiralled down and the TAC suddenly picked up a cluster of white squares ahead of us, well inside TAC range. It was like they had suddenly popped into existence, right there and then.


Saw no actual A/C till I got closer - it was ten-plus Stukas at just under Angels Seventeen.


Set a couple on fire, taking some hits in return.


Was coming in for more when my kite suddenly blew up.


Future spawn testing will be done in a new campaign, just to be safe. This campaign I will revive by reverting to the old spawns from a back-up, and to a mission saved before the new ones were applied.
Your kite suddenly blew up? Looks like the campaign mission generator suddenly went "Grrrr". Would add smiley here if my emojis were working....... sigh. I humbly apologise, I'm happy today for no apparent reason."smiley"
Current plan is to try out your original fileset in the BoB mod which I installed relatively recently, and for which it was designed. Messing up the campaign installation had me starting over and I've yet to install the update for the campaign, fearful of another self-inflicted disaster on a scale which would make exploding Hurricanes seem a mere inconvenience. But will install the campaign update soon, install the files and report back on the results!
I prefer the eto bob era terrain to the bob alpha terrain. If you are of the same mind, you can replace the bob asset folder with the eto one.
Thanks for the tip - I was wondering how to do that, in either direction. ATM I like both, in their way, so I'm still sitting on the fence! The BoB's more grannular appearance possibly better suits the English countryside in the era before industrialised farming, but repeating texture patterns are sometimes more obvious. I did prefer the ETO's more green inshore waters to the very blue ETO ones, so have already swapped over those textures.
Just tried the tree mod I ETO 1.50 and while the trees look better, I get these dark angular shadows or patches appearing for several seconds in some places. Only unusual thing I noticed is that I don't have a in my assets folder before enabling the mod (via JSGME - paths etc are definitely right).

This is probably a result of the large texture size( 2.66mb). Remove the "" and "" from the highres folder and rename ""(682kb) to "". The sim uses the "". I should have made this clearer when I released the mod. I am now also using the smaller texture.
I'm busy testing some Bob campaign spawn edits. I've added 4 to 6 aircraft fighter escorts to all German bomber spawns and set bomber formation altitudes to between 10000 and 15000 feet. 20000 feet is probably more accurate but climbing there is an absolute pain in the butt. It would be great to have the campaign player waypoints set to 10000 feet instead of the current 17000 feet, though I cant see where to adjust this setting, I don't think it has anything to do with the british spawns. Maybe Daiwilletti can help with his extensive knowledge. Diving to the deck from 17000 feet to intercept low level fighters is almost suicidal. 10000 feet seems more workable.
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Have you ever looked at Ruff's (Wulfman) spawns to see if they are amendable to ETO and what you want for the campaign? As I am redoing them for Clive's BoB, I note he was quite a prolific spawn maker.
Had'nt thought of that, I'll have a look at those spawns. Have you gone through the missions that I sent you and are you adding more aircraft to the spawns? I originally reworked the Ruff missions for eto and just removed the 3g aircraft facilities. I think I also manually removed the spawns from the mission files.
I'm busy testing some Bob campaign spawn edits. I've added 4 to 6 aircraft fighter escorts to all German bomber spawns and set bomber formation altitudes to between 10000 and 15000 feet. 20000 feet is probably more accurate but climbing there is an absolute pain in the butt. It would be great to have the campaign player waypoints set to 10000 feet instead of the current 17000 feet, though I cant see where to adjust this setting, I don't think it has anything to do with the british spawns. Maybe Daiwilletti can help with his extensive knowledge. Diving to the deck from 17000 feet to intercept low level fighters is almost suicidal. 10000 feet seems more workable.

Sounds good. As in the name of that film, Angels One Five (should really have been 'Fifteen') is about as low as any Controller would usually dare send the boys to, and some leaders tended on experience to add a bit to whatever height they were given. So if the Huns are coming in between 10 and 15 thousand, 17 thousand for player waypoints (instead of the 21,000 we get now) would be fine I reckon.

Four to six for a close escort is very low, even if the intercepting RAF squadron is operating with 8 instead of the default 12. Would be better than none, as often now. But if feasible 8-12 would be better; better still if there is an occasional (c.10%?) possibility of no escort, and an occasional possibility (say also 10%) of the player's squadron having an 'escort' or top cover (something you often get in stock CFS3 campaigns). This would represent the practice of 11 Group engaging a raid with multiple squadrons, initially intercepting independently (with whoever arrives first often 'stripping away' the escort) or later in the Battle, per Park's revised instructions, trying to get paired squadrons into action. Most main fighter bases accommodated two sometimes three squadrons, one issue if trying to operate as a pair being that each squadron operated by default on its own frequency and unless specially organised (which would have required exceptionally good radio discipline, especially after a contact) one squadron could not speak to others, at least on the TR9D HF radios used for most of the battle which had one frequency for ground control, and one other for Pipsqueak (radio direction finding used to plot the position of fighter squadrons, in the absence of true radar-based IFF which came later and was no use overland as the CH stations looked out to sea only. But I digress...)