Latecoere 631

I'm really happy with this choice, though, as it was so good looking. I read up on some of it's routes and the problems they had with them. Hopefully, they won't be modeling the wing flutter problem. ;)

Indeed! :)

Or a Catalina. Of course, that has guns, so they (MS) probably wouldn't make it.

Well the A-10 model proves it can always be replaced by a search light.. Hehe. (ridiculous! ;-) But isn't it like a Catalina is already in the works for quite some time ?..

Yes, there's plenty of interesting routes to fly with the Late if you read the history of this remarkable and sadly very unfortunate flying boat. Probabely caused by its development during a bad moon rising..
Talk about non British/US flying boats.
Javis: "Really ?... 4 on each cylinder ??...."
The B-36 had SIX PW-4360 engines each with 28 cylinders and TWO plugs per cylinder. That's a whole bucket of spark plugs...:mixed-smiley-010:Might be one of the reasons that beast isn't flying today, although it would be a first day buy for me to see it in MSFS..
After seeing this I did some research, article I found said they were planning in using turboprops, which seams pretty far fetched to me. But it does not appear to have made it off the drawing board. I could not find any analysis on weather it would actually been able to fly had they finished it.