Let's See Your FS Setup / Office

What's most cool too is to see the various aircraft models perched on one's computer or table. And the various aviation memorabilia being displayed,...from wall posters and calenders to other bits of aviation history dear to one's heart. Very nice.
Bless this mess!

Well - I'll show you mine.
Please keep in mind that a huge part of this mess is caused by my two Maine Coons, usually loitering around on deck, but once the camera is started, not to be seen anymore... :wavey:

Here we go. I have the USB switchbox on the desk to change between the yoke/ and X52 setup. My old computer on the left will now be a Chart & Manual viewer, and for Teamspeak. I plan on eventually replacing that monitor with a toushscreen, so that I won't have to have an additional keyboard/mouse. Clear line of sight to the TV, too!

Love that desktop Joe!!!!
Here ya go:

Office and two pix of the over than 275 built models.

Feng gives me "weinie" envy!
