Lionheart in PC Pilot


Charter Member
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PC Pilot Issue 59, Jan/Feb 2009

Reviews -
HS Trident (Addictive Simulations)
Traffic (Just Flight)
F-86 Sabre (SectionF8)
F-16 Falcon (Aerosoft)
Around the World in 80 Flights (First Class Simulations)
Tahiti - (Aerosoft)
Melbourne Airport - (ORBX Simulation Systems)
Pro Flight Switch Panel - (Saitek)
Pro Flight Headset - (Saitek)
Epic LT - (Lionheart Creations)

Epic Aircraft and the real Epic LT
When you've read the review of Lionheart Creation's rendition of the turboprop Epic LT (on page 92 of this issue), you can then find out how they make the real one, by reading this article by Tony Radmilovich, who was given a guided tour Epic Aircraft's factory, located in Bend, Oregon, USA.
Way to go Bill....................:woot:

You Da Man............:applause: :ernae:
Congrats Bill! :applause:
I haven't seen the article, but I have seen and flown Lionheart's absolutely amazing work of art (as is all of his stuff...even his older freeware stuff..have you guys checked out his Cessna Executive packages or his Fairchild F24 series?). A well deserved bit of praise for a designer who is as humble and generous as he is talented!

Many thanks guys.. Makin me blush here.. arrghh..

Tony Radmilovich wrote the article. I think he did an excellent job of fact finding. I was totally freaked to get an email from him and he was telling me that he was with the owner all day on tour of the factory.... Must be nice!


My apologies, Bill, for being a late comer to the congrats thread. I know it must be quite an honor for you...and a well deserved one to boot.

Salute! I am proud for you. :applause: :applause: :applause: