Lionheart in PC Pilot

NOw I got to go get that issue to read it, well done Bill.

Yes, as it happens Tony R. is a good friend of mine and I know that the Epic is one of his favourites !

Tony and I belong to the same "virtual club" and if anyone's interested one of his articles in the latest edition is all about the members. There's even a photo of me in it (if anyone has a strong stomach .....) and it would be interesting to see how many here spot the "deliberate mistake".


NOw I got to go get that issue to read it, well done Bill.

Thanks Sean, and well done Sir on your work in there! Some great paints!



Sounds like a fun flight club. Can you fill us in on what one does to be a member and what happens? Do you have a minimum flight time to meet, etc.
I took a look at the magazine rack in the drug store today but did not see PC Pilot there....will have to check the grocery store for it (I know they carry it as I have looked at that mag many times, but have always been hesitant to cough up the money they want for a single issue).

I took a look at the magazine rack in the drug store today but did not see PC Pilot there....will have to check the grocery store for it (I know they carry it as I have looked at that mag many times, but have always been hesitant to cough up the money they want for a single issue).


Just out of curiosity, what is the shelf price of PC Pilot in the States? Here in the UK it's £4.99. I personally am a subscriber which, if you pick the right offer (they vary over time) can bring down the price considerably. Maybe you should consider this option if you are a regular reader.