Loadout Question?


Charter Member
On aircraft .xpd's the bomb loadouts list the ordnance for a specific loadout i.e. <Loadout Name="(1)250kg Stabo Bomb">. Sometimes however it list the ordnance plus a mission i.e. <Loadout Name="(1)1000kg Bomb" MissionType="Strike">.

What is the purpose of that? Will the aircraft default to that bomb load if it's used in a "Strike" mission?
On aircraft .xpd's the bomb loadouts list the ordnance for a specific loadout i.e. <Loadout Name="(1)250kg Stabo Bomb">. Sometimes however it list the ordnance plus a mission i.e. <Loadout Name="(1)1000kg Bomb" MissionType="Strike">.

What is the purpose of that? Will the aircraft default to that bomb load if it's used in a "Strike" mission?

Hi Lewis

yes. The Missiontype influences random spawns too. If one of the air.spawns is say eub and the eub air spawn's mission directive is Strike, then if that aircraft is the random air spawn the loadout picked will be the 1000kg bomb.

The loadout syntax may be influential in determining which aircraft are chosen for random spawning. There is a thread on the subject uploaded in the knowledgebase sticky.


Ah, the "enemy unescorted bomber" spawn file called under the air.spawns table file. You know, euf, eub, eef, eefb, etc etc.

Its great fun rummaging amongst these files. For instance changing "bombing" waypoints to "all weapons" waypoints so you might find larger bombers strafing ground targets :icon_lol:

:santahat: Merry Christmas, its tomorrow Down Under