Lockheed L-1049 G soon on Avsim

It is really a beauty!



I love to watch the effects during the start up sequence!



Really a great job guys!

A couple of "minor" issues I found on a 1700 mile 'test hop' yesterday:

The FE panel defaults to opening as a full window covering your VC but it can be dragged to a smaller size to allow you to see the approaching ground :icon_lol:

When you close the FE panel while in the VC it automatically opens the "Radio" panel (but it's only the secondary radios).

Hint: read up on the fuel management system! I didn't blow an engine because I tried to be good and gentle, but I DID have a fuel supply issue (see below)

If you need to feather an engine thru the FE panel you may find you have to open the Lower FE Panel which then covers (as default) the engine control levers. (How do I know?? that pesky double engine failure while in cruise, on Otto, as the crew was having lunch showed me a lot of surprises:kilroy:)

If you load the World Wide Airlines repaint (ww1049g.zip) it will take a bit of shuffling to get it all set up and it appears (at least on my sim) with blurries on the fuselage textures...have to cycle thru the views to get it to pop in sharp and then it looks great! I've emailed Garry Harper to inquire about it.
Update: Garry has released a revised set of textures .. on FlightSim today

Sound: I aliased mine to the Breitling Connie sound set but others are out there.. I just like that particular one.
-- "squeaky brakes" don't seem as loud as the Starliner but that might might just be my ears after 5 hrs of Turbo-Compound abuse :icon_lol:

As I said, small issues.. and to be back in a Connie on a 5 hr cross-country was a treat:icon29:

Now comes the review of my Connie references to find all the ones that need to be painted (so far I've found about 9 candidates outside the obvious ones that are worthy) :mixedsmi:



We have a look into the FE/Radio issue

Blown an engine

I recomend to read the FM(****)and/or have a look to the status panel-->rightclick the kneeboard icon-->White engine BHP turn yellow-->turn red-->blow up if you dont go to correct rpm and MAP

2 engines out of 4-->lots of fun


We have a look into the FE/Radio issue

Blown an engine

I recomend to read the FM(****)and/or have a look to the status panel-->rightclick the kneeboard icon-->White engine BHP turn yellow-->turn red-->blow up if you dont go to correct rpm and MAP

2 engines out of 4-->lots of fun


Thanks Roland
It doesn't seem like a blown engine.. after the precautionary landing and some meddling with the cross-feed controls ( the first time) the two dead engines restarted.. on the second occurrence ( the pax were a bit annoyed:kilroy: ) .. the FE ordered a truck of fuel and then was able to restart the dead two so I suspect it's an FE problem with his fuel management system.. he's been sent for re-training (if you CAN train a guy who rides side-saddle!)

Having been a passenger on a r/l Connie 3-engine approach & landing (and the son of a TCA mechanic) I learned the Turbo-Compounds were to be treated gently :blind:

Sorry to wander off topic,

BUT, can someone maybe tell me why I need to get my post approved ? and also why that that must take hours to get a post visible here ?

I'm mostly used to make a post and than be able to see it pretty much directly, what am I missing ?
I'm checking on that...
Sorry to wander off topic,

BUT, can someone maybe tell me why I need to get my post approved ? and also why that that must take hours to get a post visible here ?

I'm mostly used to make a post and than be able to see it pretty much directly, what am I missing ?

Check your PM Inbox Fled. And long time no see! Glad to see the cheese-bat flying around the Outhouse once again. :ernae:
Thank you Tom :)

Seems the thing has sorted it self out ;)

Check your PM Inbox Fled. And long time no see! Glad to see the cheese-bat flying around the Outhouse once again. :ernae:
gna gna :p :D ;)

got the PM Mike, good to see you too :D

seems the post got through as well so all is hunkydorie again

Catch ya soon :)

Tim it looks really good in that livery!
Mind you, it has real presence, in almost any colours, even today


Makes you feel confident of tackling the really Big Stuff, with impunity.


Great model :applause:
Hi All,

TCA repaints are already in the works....of course that is not to stop anyone from making another set :D


For the later G models and


For the earlier or as delivered C models.

A couple of "minor" issues I found on a 1700 mile 'test hop' yesterday:

The FE panel defaults to opening as a full window covering your VC but it can be dragged to a smaller size to allow you to see the approaching ground :icon_lol:

When you close the FE panel while in the VC it automatically opens the "Radio" panel (but it's only the secondary radios).

Hint: read up on the fuel management system! I didn't blow an engine because I tried to be good and gentle, but I DID have a fuel supply issue (see below)

If you need to feather an engine thru the FE panel you may find you have to open the Lower FE Panel which then covers (as default) the engine control levers. (How do I know?? that pesky double engine failure while in cruise, on Otto, as the crew was having lunch showed me a lot of surprises:kilroy:)

If you load the World Wide Airlines repaint (ww1049g.zip) it will take a bit of shuffling to get it all set up and it appears (at least on my sim) with blurries on the fuselage textures...have to cycle thru the views to get it to pop in sharp and then it looks great! I've emailed Garry Harper to inquire about it.
Update: Garry has released a revised set of textures .. on FlightSim today

Sound: I aliased mine to the Breitling Connie sound set but others are out there.. I just like that particular one.
-- "squeaky brakes" don't seem as loud as the Starliner but that might might just be my ears after 5 hrs of Turbo-Compound abuse :icon_lol:

As I said, small issues.. and to be back in a Connie on a 5 hr cross-country was a treat:icon29:

Now comes the review of my Connie references to find all the ones that need to be painted (so far I've found about 9 candidates outside the obvious ones that are worthy) :mixedsmi:


Hi Rob,

The FE panel opening to the full screen mode has been discussed amongst the team during the Starliner project and since the FE really did not need to look outside to do his job this large view was selected.
Otto should be flying the airplane if you as a single pilot need to work on the FE panel for extended periods.

1. Set the auto feather switch on the top left of the FE panel to on and that's one less task you need to worry about should an engine fail or run out of gas while you fly along. But yes for the short moment it takes to unfeather the engine that panel does block the fuel tank levers and so on.

2. I can not reproduce the radio panel #2 opening up when closing the FE panel. I tried opening the FE panel with the icon on the main panel and closing with the left arrow icon and open and close via SHIFT+4 in both FS9 and FSX.

3. The squeaky breaks are the same files so there should not be any difference.

@ Tim:
Great job on the Lufthansa Connie!
Ganz lieben Dank!

I hope you all forgive the follwing statement, but in my eyes, it's this Lufthansa livery that old beauty seems to be designed for... :icon_lol:
Awesome! :applause:

@ Sunny:
Nice one too.
You're going to add floaters? :d
I'm glad you're on it - still enough in the pipeline for me to get ready with...
Nice plane and some great paintjobs just days after the release. So far I have not heard of anyone doing USAF or Navy paints for this version. Is that because the military versions differ too much from the civilian version? I cant find info on that.

During my search I did find a site that has tons of pictures. Especially the sections by Stephen Miller: http://www.conniesurvivors.com/.
Might be interesting for enthousiasts and repainters.
The repaints on this site are currently on hold to allow their creator to modify them to include the interior textures that were not included on the paint-kit which was available long before the aircraft was ready to fly.
But there is a great selection of all sorts of airlines and the military.


The different Radome and Antennae versions are not done yet so there are no repaints done for them as far as I know.

Thanks Bill....I still have a bit more work to do on them...but what are floaters ??

Hi Guys,

I am trying something new with these two repaints for the TCA L-1049.

I have uploaded the texture zips to Mediafire and they should be available from there for anyone.

The later white top texture is here:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/tedlnzk2wcd/L-1049 texture.tca Late.zip

and the earlier all polished texture is here:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/yfdkdmi2mnw/L-1049 texture.tca Early.zip

Readme files with install instructions are in the zip and this time the folders should contain all the textures so no need to make a new texture folder....this time only

Let me know if there are any problems.

Thanks Tim...I'll be getting that one in a second.

Btw what paint program are you using ?? Seems like your curved lines are coming out a bit cleaner than mine in PSP.