Could be your monitor - just saying. That Beech Navy SNB in white/red appeared the same in my 4.5 and 5.4 with no issues. I have an Asus AS2400It's difficult to get the grey shading just right and I did notice it a bit here too. It also depends on if you have dynamic reflections turned on and the time of day also seems to affect it. I have noticed that I often have to lighten the bare metal areas of texture sheets or else the metal looks very dark in the sim. So many things can affect the outcome and I am still very much on the learning curve with PBR textures! The colour difference between P3D v4.5 and v5 is amazing too, that's one of the things that made me choose v4.5 as I didn't like how v5 rendered colours.
It's difficult to get the grey shading just right and I did notice it a bit here too. It also depends on if you have dynamic reflections turned on and the time of day also seems to affect it. I have noticed that I often have to lighten the bare metal areas of texture sheets or else the metal looks very dark in the sim. So many things can affect the outcome and I am still very much on the learning curve with PBR textures! The colour difference between P3D v4.5 and v5 is amazing too, that's one of the things that made me choose v4.5 as I didn't like how v5 rendered colours.
Thanks LarryI have created two more individual repaints for the Lodestar after Martial Feron (ferondoe) granted his permission to use his original FSX repaints as the basis for my PBR conversions.
Here are the two aircraft, first up is a slightly used and dirty Trans Australia Airways scheme ....
View attachment 162407
View attachment 162408
View attachment 162409
.. next is also slightly used and dirty and this time it's a United Air Lines scheme.
View attachment 162410
View attachment 162411
View attachment 162412
The downloads can be found below.
Lockheed Lodestar Trans Australia Airways PBR Livery
Textures only, requires Milton Shupe & Team's FSX Lockheed 18 Lodestar converted to P3D v4.5 by Larry (Tako_Kichi) Green available from the resource library (search for by 'Tako_Kichi'
Lockheed Lodestar United Air Lines PBR Livery
Textures only, requires Milton Shupe & Team's FSX Lockheed 18 Lodestar converted to P3D v4.5 by Larry (Tako_Kichi) Green available from the resource library (search for by 'Tako_Kichi'