Lockheed P-38 (s) by David C. Copley = EXCELLENT!


Charter Member 2015
In my eyes, David needs some recognition. The Awesome freeware P-38's given to us by this man.. WOW, Thank You David!!

Another fine repaint by the infamous Damian Radice :salute:


Full size http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/7233/vm01.jpg

Textures only for David C. Copley P-38j ver 2.2 (P38p220.zip)

Models and other goodies http://www.kazoku.org/xp-38n/model/index.htm
I saw his main site and figured from what he said, the download site was gone for ever. Nice find.
David has received a lot of recognition for his efforts (his P-38 contibutions date back to 1999). Besides regular use by those who fly such events as the RTWR, I suppose the following is pretty good praise (from 2006) :jump:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 P-38L-5: The Definitive Lightning
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: p38tdl23.zip Size: 23,117,896 Date: 04-13-2006 Downloads: 12,615
FS2004 P-38L-5: The Definitive Lightning, v2.3. Updated with FSDS3 to include new dynamic VC features, plus other enhancements and fixes. Four texture sets. Complete package, including authentic Lockheed P-38 sounds recorded by the author. Includes some gauges by Mike Wagner, Chuck Dome and Eugene Heyart. Texture assistance from Dan Swart. By David C. Copley. (Previous version had 12890 downloads.)[/SIZE]

I doubt most payware comes close to that sort of number.

As for 'more', I doubt that will be forthcoming. David"s last known visit to the Outhouse was September 29th, 2009.
My favorite of David's P-38s. The 5,000th P-38 built and used by Lockheed as a demonstrator.
I doubt most payware comes close to that sort of number.

They would be very happy is they would sell 1/10th of that number..

As for 'more', I doubt that will be forthcoming. David"s last known visit to the Outhouse was September 29th, 2009.

David retired from Fs model making unfortunately, but his site is still up: http://www.kazoku.org/xp-38n/

It's a shame he doesn't visit here anymore, as he's not just a great plane maker, but a very nice guy too.
Another facet of David's creativity is his sounds. He created the P-38 sounds he used and also for some payware aircraft. He was allowed to record sounds from Glacier Girl and mixed them from there.

I use his RR Griffon sounds with the AH Griffon Spitfires.

Ditto on David's being a very nice guy. I'm proud to call him friend.
David's P-38 was really outstanding work for FS9 and it ported over fairly well to FSX. I think it's difficult to get a sound set that would be correct for a factory built P-38. The P-38 used turbochargers, an item that is expensive and difficult to maintain. I am not aware of any restored P-38's that have functioning superchargers. So getting that supercharger sound into the soundset likely posed a great difficulty, but I think David pulled it off nicely.
I can't believe that I don't have a single one of these spectacular P-38s installed. I have had them installed before...but for some reason, I haven't installed them in my current sim builds.

Definitely agree on Copley's P-38! Excellent freeware airplane. When I first got FS2002 (which is what got me thoroughly bit by the flight sim bug), that was one of the first planes I downloaded for it.

BTW, I think that the one of the defining moments in the "making of a flight simmer" is when you discover "Wait... You're telling me that I can download more planes for this? That I'm not limited to the half dozen or so default aircraft that came with the program? And there are sites out there that have hundreds -- even thousands -- more to choose from and download? For free? Sweet!!!"
BTW, I think that the one of the defining moments in the "making of a flight simmer" is when you discover "Wait... You're telling me that I can download more planes for this? That I'm not limited to the half dozen or so default aircraft that came with the program? And there are sites out there that have hundreds -- even thousands -- more to choose from and download? For free? Sweet!!!"
Hehe, that was me when I started in on CFS1. :d "Hey look, you can get Hellcats and Zeros too! And alternate paint jobs for the default planes! And you can lighten up that gloomy blue/lavender sky! And you can add airfields! And...and...!"
Also, it's always fun to see people re-discover some of the great stuff that's been around for a while, like David Copley's P-38's. I'm sure Milton Shupe's original Beech 18 its vast selection of paint jobs are getting even more downloads, now that the AT-11 and F7F's are released and newer flightsimmers see the fine products he and his crew turn out.
The peace sign of the era might have had the shape of a mushroom.... A desperate time far away for many, hopefully not to return in all it's fury.

Dave's glacier girl was the first plane that I ever shelled out any money for, as a soh dwarf as I recall. Dave was one of the super creative types that could do everything. Many of us can do some portion well. The standards of improvement in fs have made the projects increasingly complex and perhaps realistically beyond a Single individual.

For the RTW crowd the DCC P38's were always the most dependable steed when things were rough.

Beech18 All-time favourite

My all time favorite FS aircraft. I've probably got about 100 paints for it in all three variants.

David Copley's Lightning has always been a favourite with me too, but I must admit
I'll go along with Willy, and at a pinch, an extra softspot for the Beech 18 amphibian version!
Superb modelling, paintwork and sounds.
For some reason I always enjoy doing stall turns with this aircraft; strange isn't it?

Wouldn't mind seeing some of those paint jobs Willy!
When I click the link to go to David Copley's site to download these works of art, I get a huge red box stating that the site is a reported attack site. Anyone else getting this?

Damian Radice

Would someone please explain why Damian is described as "infamous" ?
For what criminal acts is he notorious?
