Lohner Type Mk

Very, very nice! Thanks Classic Wings. For anyone who has missed it also look for their Lohner Type S (red fuselage in screenshots) which is also very nice. :ernae:

Much appreciated,

John N
Some more repaints by Damian Radice, as well as new models, are available at Avsim now ...

File Description:
FS2004\FSX Lohner S "R1" and "S26".The Lohner "S" was a two seat training and reconnaissance flying boat produced by Lohner Werke for the Austrian-Hungarian Navy during WW1;powered by a 80HP Oberursel rotary engine, saw service mainly at the Adriatic Sea.

Included in this package there are two different repaints "R1" from 1916, and "S26" from 1918; textures only for Craig Richardson's Lohner S. Textures only - You can download the original plane here: www.classicwings.net.
The "S" is the second release of the series, the first was the smaller "Mk" and more are to come in the future! This textures set will work in FS2004 and FSX as well.

Filename: lohnersv1.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 8th August 2010
Downloads: 87
Author: Craig Richardson, Damian Radice
Size: 13382kb

Mike :salute:
Some more repaints by Damian Radice, as well as new models, are available at Avsim now ...

Yep, Damian and myself have been very busy with the Lohner's (two more to come) and the 'S' is version 2 now, with a wheeled cradle to access the water and vice versa :)