NDB Navigational Error
All pilots flying in the area of Yangon on ADF be advised that to the NE of Yangon, there are two high ranged (75nm) NDBs that are withing range of each other and share the same frequency (265.0).
I was flying to one of them (BGO) and and my ADF picked up on the other which made figuring out where to go next somewhat confusing when the needle points to a completely different heading than what DR says you should be on.
All pilots flying in the area of Yangon on ADF be advised that to the NE of Yangon, there are two high ranged (75nm) NDBs that are withing range of each other and share the same frequency (265.0).
I was flying to one of them (BGO) and and my ADF picked up on the other which made figuring out where to go next somewhat confusing when the needle points to a completely different heading than what DR says you should be on.