Long Time Gone Returning with Win 7 issues

I'd found a 2004 version of MDXREDIST.MSI and installed it but it didn't work in getting the MOS editor to run on my system so I went to trying the full DirectX SDK (2006, 2008 and 2010 versions), but that didn't work either.
I must be dense but I cannot for the life of me find a way to get the files I can see in the Apr2006_MDX1_x86.cab to be installed so the MOS editor can find them.

DxDiag can find them so they're evidently installed, but the MOS Editor still stubbornly refuses to run.

Could someone who has the MOS editor running please take a look at the layer settings for the stock P-80a and tell me if some of the layers are set to use different blending / alpha test options than the rest?
:wavey:Getten this in WIN7 Ultimate when I start MB in ETO, MAW, Korea, SOH and Rising Sun.
The Mission Builder must have a screen resolution of at least is 1024x768 How can I fix this.

Still can't get the MOS editor to run.

Running in -m3dview I can see that these layers turn the P-47 black

and these turn it grey (to varying amounts that are additive as multiple layers are activated)

Would someone that has the MOS editor working be so kind as to take a look at these layers and let me know what's different about them?

For now I can deactivate the damage effects by renaming any one of the bullet damage dds files, so I don't have to go in each and every aircraft folder and neuter its' mos file. This approach also leaves the cannon damage effects and paint decals working for aircraft with MOS files, but prevents the annoying overall discoloration when you take mg hits.
Okay, now that I have the MOS editor working I can't see anything unique about those particular assignments that would be the cause of the problem, but I can see that as a group the Cannon hits (that never have this problem) are set up as Overlay, whereas the MG bullet holes always use Overlay with Alpha. In both cases the associated DDS files have the same sort of alpha layers so I don't think the texture files themselves are the issue.
Well I went through the P47 mos file and changed the assignments I thought were causing the trouble, but it had no effect. So then I changed all of the mg damage assignments, and still no effect. The only way to reliably avoid eventually turning the damaged aircraft all black as it get's shot up is to remove one of the bullet damage texture files so none of them can be applied. (Evidently once the mos file finds any one of them missing it assumes the rest are unavailable too) That at least leaves the cannon and damage overlays working.
Okay, updated Nvidia drivers from 306.97 to 313.96 and now it seems to be back to working as it should with no more planes turning black when they take MG hits. Go figure... :isadizzy:
I'm not sure running down a dead end and back is worth a sticky.

Maybe, but thanks for posting anyway, MajorMagee :salute: There is a lot of learning in this thread. Reminds me that I've always hoped some texture whizz would produce a new set of bullet and cannon damage dds files. I had a go at it, but don't know if it was much of an improvement.