Looking for a good Mossie


Thank you nice textured Mossie

installing this repaint couldn't be simpler....

First have BrunoSK's DeHavilland Type 98 'Mosquito' NFII

secondly open the aircraft CFG and paste in the following section

title = De Havilland Mosquito NFII_THZ
sim = Mosquito NFII
model =
panel =
sound =
texture =
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists =
kb_reference =
atc_id = GNFII
atc_id_color =
atc_parking_types =MIL_COMBAT
atc_parking_codes =DH98 Mosquito
ui_manufacturer = De Havilland
ui_type = Mosquito NFII
ui_variation = 418Sqn, HR147
description = 'Hairless Joe' Flown by Sqn Ldr. Russ Bannock (Known as the sviour of London for his efforts in destroying V-1 missiles)\n\RR Merlin 23 - 1390hp @ + 12lbs Boost, 3000 rpm @ Take Off, 1480hp @ 16 lbs Boost, 3000rpm @ 12250ft (Climbing Boost + 9lbs @ 2850rpm

remember to change the line [fltsim.XX] to correspond, if the previous reads [Fltsim.01] then this would therefore logicall y mean the XX would be changed to '02'

Happy Flying.

matt_wynn AT ntlworld DOT com

Can be ever more simple if
thanks Leif, i'll get on it here at SoH.... i knew i was doing too well.... you always trip mere millimetres from the mark... someone tell messrs. Murphy and Sod their laws can steer clear of me please :icon_lol: