Looking for a P-40



I've been searching the net looking for a decent P-40 for FS2004. I did find one but now I dont remember where it came from. I'm pretty sure that it was a download from here:


Those guys have some outstanding aircraft to offer. The P-40's that I have, are pretty worthless. 3 are downright cheezy and one is good. The one thats good uses standard Cessna sounds which drives me nuts but the graphics are good and detail is relatively high. I'm a nut for the origional sounds, especially the Allison, Merlin, or R2800. The aircraft also is completely unstable at 220-250 mph. It bounces up and down in a way in which it should do it at around 450 or so. Its pretty much a taxi only aircraft at this point since its got so many flaws. I shouldnt complain though considering it was freeware.

Basically, if any of you guys know of a good site or someone who has a good P-40, I'd be so happy. I'd also be willing to pay for this as well. The P-40 is one of my all time favorites so its one that I desperately wanted to add to my collection.
Two come to mind right off the bat. . .the IRIS P-40 and the WOP (Wings of Power) P-40. Both excellent!!
Where to start? As there are quite some P-40s around both pay- and freeware.

There is a very nice donationware P40-E available on www.donationware.net. With this purchase you will support the SOH.

There are quite a few free P-40s by K. Malinowski and J. McDaniel for FS2004 available in our download library (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/index.p...wnloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=Farmboy)

There is a beautiful shareware P40 B/C done by Bruce Thorson, which can be found on Flightsim.com. For $5 you will get a service pack.

IRIS has done a very nice payware set with severl P-40 models.

And there is a peculiar P-40Q around: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/index.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=info&FileID=1694

Thank you gentlemen. I have a few installed already but the models are pretty much garbage. I do have a P-40 from the aircraft power pack by Shockwave and its a very nice model. I'm looking for an "E" or "F" model, or later variant. I'll check those sites out.

Does anyone have a screen shot of those aircraft listed above? I'd like to take a gander of them before I download. Thanks again.
Bruce Thorsen P-40....




Also if you've got one that you already like everything but the sounds in, look under Lawdog in the addons. If it's a WW II fighter, odds are he's done a soundset for it. Matter of fact, I believe he did the sounds for the d-ware P-40s.

Edit: Bruce Thorson's is nice too, but I can't keep the engine running for very long without blowing it up...
Thank you for supporting Sim-Outhouse :mixedsmi:

Your donationware purchase helps pay for the bandwidth here & keeps the site add-free & pop-up free :ernae:
Its my pleasure. Anything I can do to support the flight sim community, please let me know. I also own my own website: http://dieseltowingresource.com/index.php
So I completely understand what it takes to run a site like this. Thanks again.

That donationware aircraft, do they mail it to you in a CD or is this something that is provided to my email in a link to download?

Okay you asked for it! A few un edited screenies from the Donarionware P-40E









You're alright...! I dont care what they said about you...! :d

Those are great. I'm gonna look for model that now.

Also, I just downloaded the Allison sounds from this site and they are indeed, way better than the stock P-40 engine sounds. Its mean and throaty.

What I didnt realize was that on one of my particular models, the trigger (used as brakes on my settings) fires the guns as well once you're in the air. Definitely a nice touch.

That donationware model, are the sound files ok or do you recommend upgrading them?
FOr P-40s, you can't go wrong with Bruce Thorsen's B/C model or with K. Malinowski and J. McDaniel's P-40 series. While I have not used them in FS2004, as I am a dedicated and highly addicted CFS2 flyer, I can tell you that the quality of the planes is superb...and there are a ton of paints for the planes (look under RobH, Watchdog22, Sopwith Chameleon, Morton here on SOH/Combatfs and in the CFS2 section at Simviation).

In CFS2, these P-40s offer superb frame rates, very nice flight dynamics.

For P-40 sounds, look no further than Lawdog3260's P-40 sound pack. He recently did an updated pack that has so much richness to it...when the engine is starting, you can almost smell the unburnt fuel being pumped out of the overly rich cylinders....the sound pack is that life like.

Not sure which version of Lawdog's sounds come with donationware P-40...but it really doesn't matter as even his earlier version is top notch....the man is a sound pack genious! His newer version is throatier, rumblier, louder.

Just checked the download library for the Malinowski/McDaniel P-40s. They are under Farmboy. The complete series is there (E, F, K, N, and M) with updates to the flight dynamics and configuration files.

The stock Sounds of the Donationware P-40 are excellant. Just be careful on landing it is a tad bouncey shall we say :jump:. Bring it in at a slow speed on touch down.
Bouncy is alright. Taking off is tricky. Its torquey and pulls hard. I guess this needs to slowly roll into the throttle. It flies well and the sounds are incredible. It seems to pick up speed rather slowly, shortly after getting off the ground but its do-able. Now if there were only an upgrade to help see the prop from the cockpit.

For the life of me, I cant remember the command to open the canopy...Anyone?

I do appreciate the help gents.