If you can make it work in CFS3, I'd very much would like to know how you did it. To have PSP runways and aprons as in, say, Mig Alley is something I would like to see very much!...I created a detailed PSP template that showed the terrain underneath (through the holes) but that doesn't show in-game. What we have now is something we have to live with until we know how to model the real deal, lightening holes and all... It's applied through the .MOS editor, just like the normal concrete runway slabs.
Very interesting points Gaucho, always goo to hear from someone with first-hand experience. Could I have a copy of that texture if that's possible please?
As well as the Marsden matting there was the lighter Sommerfeld steel rod type. I've also seen a steel Coir mat type, a version of which is in Andre's Meaux-Esbly photograph.
...To Frosty... what I meant as incorrect was the name Pierced etc. Have no idea what CFS3 can or cannot display...(I operate FS9 and CFS2... in FS9 the texture can be displayed well... provided the original is in high definition to start with...)
Thanks Carlos, I understand! Compared to CFS3 the 'civvie' sims' abilities to display runway textures etc. verges on photorealistic. Maybe it's time to try again. Could you post a screenie of your texture in action?
I've re-looked at some testing work that Kevboy and I did years ago on finding better runways.
In this pic the runway is made up of 50m sq blocks (gmax) and in this case rendered with Gaucho59's mat texture.
Obviously the scale is wrong and there are some issues with the texture flashing as you pan around but I think it has possibilities.
Anothe issue is the aircraft shadow appears under the mat! This has alpa allowing the grass through but may be better textured in.
Also, has anyone noticed that in the stock game buildings folder is one called 'runways'? Inside are 2 textures, one dirt the other concrete, that as far as I know do not appear in the game anywhere. I'm wondering if originally the developers were looking into modelled runways?
I'll see if I take this a bit further, if anyone else wants to try it let me know.
there are some issues with the texture flashing as you pan around
Interesting... my matting can be used leaving the holes transparent... and the grass would show through...
I am going to try that... pure green holes... and pass it through the DXT program... the picture you posted
shows the holes very well...so I imagine that the texture must allow detailing... if one can select the number
of tiles at will to cover the runway...at will.... then the size of the tile could permit detailing...
got to try that...