Low Level, High Speed...


No Add On Scenery is necessary, but if you've got it, then load it up and go for it!

It will add to your personal immersion Level, but isn't integral to making the Run.

Alan :biggrin-new:
Sin-OutHouse River Run

Filmed on FSX

After 3 attempts finally I did it! Here is my flight, Sorry Guy's due to technical difficulties and time restrictions I did not put the first two failed flights in.




Hope you don't mind if I resurrected your Original Thread; I was thinking about it the other day, and just decided to re-post it.

Thanks again for the original concepts, and hope I'm keeping the spirit of your idea alive.

David - Excellent video! Were you flying an F-20?

Alan :encouragement:
I am honored that you would want to resurrect my idea. Thank you. As I stated in the original thread, this is about having fun and challenging ourselves. I've been somewhat MIA in flightsim lately and seeing this thread has been a welcome boost. Again thank you and have fun.
I completely understand David's frustration at his first attempts. I also left a lot of shredded aluminum in the hills surrounding the river valley before finally conquering it.