Low Poly Aircraft Modelling Tutorial

In the following I'm reposting Gerard's tutorial here that has been available at Netwings. Netwings apparently is no longer and as most of you know Gerard has passed away early this year. so before it all gets lost.....

Did not know he passed away.
thanks for posting that thread again, Mathias. I rue the day I haven't saved to my HD the many threads with a wealth of information at Netwings. I just bookmarked some of them but now they seem to be gone forever.
Such a shame Gerard couldn't make it to the end of the tut: it would have been the definitive modeling tut for flight sims. Such a great loss for our community.

Stump, if you ask me what you'd like to have posted from my SE5a thread at Netwings, I may have noted some of the tips I received there (and for that I'm really grateful).
Well, as memory serves there was some discussion of textures/materials for gauges in the VC? :kilroy:
:bump: I'm going to bump this one again. There are more clever things squirrelled away here than in a shelf of Dummies books. Snapping for one - I've just tumbled to it.

Thanks again, Mathias!
Is there any news about a possible version of the subject "how to create and animate the 3D gauges" ?

This would allow me to integrate in the development of my Jodel DR-1050.

Excuse me about my clumsiness as the date of 2009. :redf:

And again a big thank you for this tutorial on modeling.
Thank you, Mathias.

The tutorial is excellent.
Gerard was very kind to pass on this information to everyone.

I will tuck it away for reference. I know it will be very beneficial for me.
I'm just beginning the modeling journey.
Images have gone west again

Mathias hasn't been around a while and the images have been lost again, so I've uploaded an old PDF of this tutorial to the Library.
'Fraid not – Mathias never did post the 3D gauge tut. If you have questions on that, a new thread on 3D gauges would be an interesting idea. :jump:
3D gauges are not difficult to build (and I've made a few now after two aircraft releases and three currently in development) but like all animated objects it's the coding that bites you in the rear end. Coding on some gauges can get very complex indeed, like the radio altimeter we made for the Mallard that also included a fully accurate test sequence! :dizzy:
Well, at least there are a lot of gauge xml coding in the FSX modeldef.xml to give you a head start.
And I think you can find some over at FSDeveloper.

It would be nice if there was a common library of 3D gauges and supporting xml to draw from. It is silly that everyone has to start from scratch with every single altimeter, VSI, RPM or MAP gauge, etc. :mixed-smiley-010:
Another source of code for 3D gauges is the old FFDS forum. You can't register with it any more and it is appallingly slow tonight, but there are a lot of examples in the Panel/Gauges Design Questions section. For example, 3D needle CDI as explained by Bill Leaming.
Sorry guys, havn't been here in ages.
The images are now back online. I must have deleted them by accident.:wavey: