I finally had a chance to play with this one, and I noticed two issues. The first was that there were trees all over my taxiways. I made a new exclude file that fixes that - no big deal.
I also noticed that the tower view looked a little odd - like it was from a LONG way off. So I mad a backup of the AF2 file and did a little playing. I tried to insert a tower view, but I was politely informed that there was already a tower view defined. Really? I don't see it on my screen! OK - zoom out - WAY out! Yep - there it is, somewhere out in the North Atlantic! I used bglanlyz9 to decompile it and it turns out that it was at W8° instead of E8°. That's also now fixed in my copy.
I'm attaching a copy of my new exclude file. Just drop it into the scenery subfolder of the LSMM package. Isra, feel free to use my exclude in any updates.
I finally had a chance to play with this one, and I noticed two issues. The first was that there were trees all over my taxiways. I made a new exclude file that fixes that - no big deal.
I also noticed that the tower view looked a little odd - like it was from a LONG way off. So I mad a backup of the AF2 file and did a little playing. I tried to insert a tower view, but I was politely informed that there was already a tower view defined. Really? I don't see it on my screen! OK - zoom out - WAY out! Yep - there it is, somewhere out in the North Atlantic! I used bglanlyz9 to decompile it and it turns out that it was at W8° instead of E8°. That's also now fixed in my copy.
I'm attaching a copy of my new exclude file. Just drop it into the scenery subfolder of the LSMM package. Isra, feel free to use my exclude in any updates.
Guy, since my AF2 file is someone else's work, I can't upload it here without permission. If Isra says it's OK, I will.
Thanks! I'll get a readme written up in the next couple of days and upload my fixed file.Hi Tom
If you just upload your modified AFCAD File (AF2) and not the complete Scenery it will be no problem for us (The LSMM Design Team.)
Just write in your Readme that you updated our LSMM AFCAD file.
Thanks for these infos BigFoot but first it could be interesting for all of us Swiss Aviation fan to be able to download all these superb Swiss sceneries available at "desingforum.stumbles.ch"
the problem is that the registering option of this forum is simply not working. a repair of it could be usefull for all of us.
I have an acceptable knowledge of german language.
Lets discover together the problem.
Illustration 1 :
the registering upper page
there is 6 different boxes to fill
- ID
- email address
- password
- repeat password
- verification letter code
on the box number 6 it is supposed to have a simple
arithmetic solution to answer like 6+2-4 ( =4 )
this arithmetic question is simply not appearing as it is supposed to appear
( here is the problem to correct )
Illustration 2 :
registering lower page
if you click "Ich Bin Einverstanden" ( I agree ! )
you click "Registrieren" ( registering )
you logically received an error message
"Ein Fehler Ist Aufgetreten" ( there is an error )
Could you ask the webmaster of this forum to correct the registering
process on their website ?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Guy LeVasseur
Great scenery/Air Base Isra. Thanks so much Mate! Mike :ernae:
6 more screenshots ...
Hi Flyboy208,
Realy nice Screenshots from LSMM Meiringen.
The Fog adds a great atmosphere and you almost forget that you are still in the high mountains.
It looks almost like my home country Holland with all those cows in the fog!
This is the kind of weather, that we now have in the low country's like the Netherlands.
Best Regards, Johan "Bigfoot" (LSMM Design Team)
Well I am happy you like my screenshots Johan! I happen to fly a real Pilatus P-3, so I am very much a big fan of anything Swiss!
Dear Air Force Center visitors:
A virtual flight experience at the Air Force Center now provides you with the new opportunity of connecting a museum visit with the "look & feel" experience. Guided by experienced instructors you can delve into the fascinating world of flying during different epochs without just simply looking at airplanes but even learning how to fly some of them.
Representing the first epoch, for example, is a Pilatus P-3 training aircraft. As part of another epoch we can seat you in the Vampire Trainer DH-115 which can only be booked on request. The web pages for the latter epoch are still under construction. Needless to say, the world of aviation has also had some other interesting epochs.
Perhaps you have always dreamed of flying a 60-ton jet? In addition to military airplanes you can also learn how to fly in an original B-737 cockpit simulator used for many years by United Airlines. As everything else at the Air Force Center our motto is "Fly an original yourself!"
All of these flight experiences require no previous knowledge. Guests and groups are accompanied and can thus also fly such an original themselves.
The Air Force Center and its entire crew look forward to seeing you in one of their simulators!
Dübendorf, August 2009
Helo Isra,
new at the forum.
I went to Meiringen airfield last yaer with my dad to see the Axalp airshow up in the nearby mountains. Snapshots are very lifelike! Congrats!
I would realy appreciate a copy of the LSMM scenery.
Thank you in advance,
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