
Oh yeah! Wurger rules! High time that crappy stock model got replaced with a decent Fw190A. Tidy job on the fuselage mapping too!
Oh yeah! Wurger rules! High time that crappy stock model got replaced with a decent Fw190A.
My bad screenshot doesn't show the stubbier nose of the A4 . not looking to replace the A5 just yet
Maybe not a jet, but by 1941 standards when it first appeared it may as well have been. Looking good Steve!
well I can't really create a pully system so it's kept tight by having two halves of the wire telescope.

on a related note , I have been modifying Dancat's fw190 A8 vc to fit this bird. Been a slow go though.
well I can't really create a pully system so it's kept tight by having two halves of the wire telescope. ...

Wouldn't the 'Scale' animation-thingie also have done the trick? Just a question.

Getting there! ...

Very neat!! :encouragement: Literally - with everything hidden behind those consoles on the left and right, this cockpit is a lot less cluttered than some of the other aircraft with everything hanging out. Much nicer to model :wink:. Excellent job!