Luftwaffe airbase help needed

Pat Pattle

Hi guys, :help:

It's time to start improving the stock airfields used in the mainland europe cfs3 map. To start with we could do with more info on LW bases of ww2 please. :) anything is useful.

Being a single language Brit :( is a big disadvantage when trying to surf the net for this sort of thing so links or info to anything useable would be a big help and very much appreciated.

Dated ground plans or good quality aerial photos are the first things required, then airfield buildings, especially hangars.


Sehr gut, Nacht! Pat, I'm glad you're considering this because I recently began reevaluating my first attempt set. I realized that the broad aprons created too much contrast between the hangars and dirt color. I found this assisted bombing more than it really should have! Well at least for allied forces ;) I noticed too, that some of the buildings, revetment and aircraft placements are rather odd. The silos should be in farm areas, planes should face out from revetments or somthing appropriate. Also the staff buildings and parked vehicles should have a realistic setting, logical, and not be stuck in the middle of nowhere or among hangars and parked aircraft. It was fun to have real taxiways and interesting new paint schemes for my Korea and ETO airfields, but the LW/Continental airfields need a proper ACC update. Just please, please, please keep the model clutter down. Those docks are way too heavy for the space they occupy. They are just rectangular cylilders afterall! Nobody cares about the individual pilings. This is not a Navy SEAL or commando simulation ;)

Oh yeah, I tested for reading German in grad school about 10 years ago. I can bang through some of it if our LW friends need help. I'm always game to paint some too.
to build a Luftwaffe base is a great idea :jump: :applause:

I could not do it myself, but I have archived a few links and photos, which I am happy to show you (or translate a few lines of text, if necessary...)

...let me scratch a bit first
Hi Pat,

For the Dutch add-on I'am trying (being a native speaker and civil servant myself) to get more information for the following LW-airfields in Holland:


Research goes slowly: the Germans destroyed most of the buildings and archives before leaving. Mongoose has a lot of information. Crossram has information on Venlo. The official archives have little information. Books on the subject are expensive of out of stock for years. I'am using the public library-system now, but this takes time and gives us only limited historical information.

I'll e-mail you and the others when I get more concrete information.

When on the page, click on the "Fliegerhorste" link at the bottom.
Scroll down and you'll see a load of sublinks taking your to many pages with info on particular airfields in varying quality, from poor to extremely good.

There's also a link for english navigation at the bottom though it doesn't actually do a lot for you. :)
Good work guys. I work in our City/State public library here in Boston. We have a government documents department but I am not sure what they could do for us at the outset. But in principle, I think we should look for archival information, even through a freedom of info request, from the Allied forces of the period. Maybe some recon photos have been declassified? I've been working with a photo tech USAAF veteran up here on some unrelated projects (military science, Japanese language), but he was kind enough to give our Science/Humanities department a "morale" shot of a P-38 (glass nose) and P-51 in formation over the South Pacific where he served. It may be the right time to start scaring this info up. Check with your local public and academic libraries.

OK, after looking at the fliegerhorste link above, I realize you guys are well on your way. Good luck!
Wow, nice to see so much interest. :) Many thanks for the links so far chaps (and the plans Ted!)

It's certainly not as 'easy' as investigating the RAF airfields, which in a way makes it more exciting when a bit of info does turn up.

The tentative idea at the moment, to get things underway is to use the RAF airfield scheme of populating most of the country with generic bases than having the more important ones better researched and represented.

Soooo..any modelling help would be greatly appreciated too! I'll try and get the Airfield building tutorial finished alongside this project and am toying with idea of a gmax building tutorial too, it's a much simpler process than for aircraft or vehicles :) being that they're mostly just cubes and triangles.
I like this idea, some times I feel like the Luftwaffe is over looked in CFS3. As some one who useually tends to fly Luftwaffe planes, rather than RAF or American planes, I think this would enhance the realsim of the game greatly.

Ill try to help where I can with info.
Keep up the work! :medals:
Improved german airfields would be well appreciated :)
Let me know, if one needs some translation help. I´d do my best although my English might not be the best.
yours wolfger
What is needed is as much detail on German airfields both in Germany as well as in the occupied countries (Holland, Belgium, and France in particular).

While for the RAF there are sites with detailed info such as

there are not to our (English speaking guys) such sites for the LW. It would be great if you can find as much similar info for the LW airfields.
Please PM me if you can find anything and I will direct you to where to get this information to those who need it.
What is needed is as much detail on German airfields both in Germany as well as in the occupied countries (Holland, Belgium, and France in particular).

While for the RAF there are sites with detailed info such as

there are not to our (English speaking guys) such sites for the LW. It would be great if you can find as much similar info for the LW airfields.
Please PM me if you can find anything and I will direct you to where to get this information to those who need it.

the only list of LW airfields I know can be found under the link given above

a few LW airfields outside Germany are listed under the sub-link:

the information given is in German and often not very detailed, but I never saw a better source in the web


James and I have spent 4-5 years searching the internet and other sources for information on LW Fleigerhorst with little to show for it. Toward the end of the war the American Corp of Engineers (there is a website dedicated to this with a list of all the bases occupied by the Corp) did begin to occupy old LW bases and rebuild some of them. So I imagine there are aerial sources available in the US. Just have to figure out where and then of course find the time to go there.

there is a guy publishing books about the subject, claiming there were about 900 airfields within the present borders of Germany and a total of around 3500 all over Europe and Northern Africa, which is incredible.....

the books are quite expensive, something like $ 60 a piece, and the series is incomplete, so I am afraid that doesn't help much either