Marry Christmas, an observation, and an easy challenge.


Charter Member
Even with it's flaws, MSFS2024 (FS24) is so visually stunning that there are times I am completely immersed like never before. The increased level of overall detail is absolutely incredible at times. I decided to check out Lake Billy Chinook in central Oregon. I grew up in Washington State, and our family and friends would travel there when I was young to camp and boat. I've "visited" it in FS20 before, but the increased detail present in FS24 really brings it to life. I even found the small campground area (Perry South) towards the western part of the lake where we camped on my first visit as a young kid. The main campground we stayed other times was the Crooked River Campground, which is now easily recognizable in FS24. My easy challenge is to visit somewhere you fondly remember from your youth to see how well it's represented in FS24. For me, that type of experience makes my purchase of FS24 completely worth it. I am certain the the team at Asobo will end up improving it to the point where, with the exception of minor issues here and there (which is kind of inevitable with a sim of such complexity), these launch problems will be (mostly) forgotten. I'm trying not to sound like a complete fan boy here, but I am truly impressed by what we have at our fingertips.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Any advice you have about the controlls, will be highly appreciated by many people present here!

Merry Christmas!

Any advice you have about the controlls, will be highly appreciated by many people present here!

I wish I had more than there already is to offer. However, it's still one area where FS24 is certainly more "challenging" than FS20. Honestly, for FS24 I've mapped my Turtle Beach Velocity One Flightdeck setup to about 75% of where it was in FS20. I decided to wait to do anymore mapping until after the pending FS24 update that's supposed to be released sometime in early 25'. Just curious to see if there will be any modifications to how mapping is done after that...