Martin Marauder Gold for FS9 has been released

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
Been wanting to do this for a few years now. Just started yesterday.

This project will be managed differently.

I will model it and map it for textures, put together a basic VC panel/gauges, and flight model.

Then I will release the package for you to finish as you wish.

Paint, sounds, panel textures, and effects will be on you. :)

Might be a fun way to get folks involved.

EDIT: By the way, if anyone has access to a POH or Maintenance manual, that would be helpful.
EDIT2: Now have teh POH and Training manuals; thanks. :applause:

Also, the main gear works totally different on the Marauder. If anyone knows of a video that shows gear retraction/extension, that would be helpful.
I have a few basic cockpit pics but if you have access to a "plethora" of such, that too would be helpful. :)


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Early short wing or later long wing? Either way it sounds like a fun project.
Another nice project Milton. When I have my real life sorted out by the time you are ready to do the mapping I volunteer for the external textures.

Early short wing or later long wing? Either way it sounds like a fun project.

Working on the "D" model, 71' wing span now and the large air intakes for the double dust filters.

I may do the short wing span, but then you get into a lot of changes with the wings, nacelles and rear fuselage, and the flight model is much different.

Just have to see how it goes.

EDIT: The "B-50" is also part of these plans.
Another nice project Milton. When I have my real life sorted out by the time you are ready to do the mapping I volunteer for the external textures.


Thank you Huub. This is going to be a higher fidelity exterior model than one we have now so that should yield a better visual experience overall.
Ooh, a B-26 Marauder. Nice!

You know, the stories of valor and heroism on all sides in that war are without end. But I've always been moved by the torpedo attack, by four lonely B-26s of the 22nd and 38th BG, on the Japanese Carrier Striking Force during the Battle of Midway. A remarkable story...

At last

Thank you Milton, been waiting for a modern version of the B-26 for FS2004 for what seems like ages. As for repaints - I have a couple in mind courtesy of the box-top art of the Airfix ('Mild and Bitter') and Matchbox ('The big hairy bird' 6B-T) kits that I built as a kid.

Regarding "Mild and Bitter" you might find the following video of interest...

Ooh, a B-26 Marauder. Nice!

You know, the stories of valor and heroism on all sides in that war are without end. But I've always been moved by the torpedo attack, by four lonely B-26s of the 22nd and 38th BG, on the Japanese Carrier Striking Force during the Battle of Midway. A remarkable story...


Thank you Paul; off to read it. :wavey:
Thank you Milton, been waiting for a modern version of the B-26 for FS2004 for what seems like ages. As for repaints - I have a couple in mind courtesy of the box-top art of the Airfix ('Mild and Bitter') and Matchbox ('The big hairy bird' 6B-T) kits that I built as a kid.

Regarding "Mild and Bitter" you might find the following video of interest...


Taff, that's a great paint scheme; have a few shots of that myself. :) Thank you.

Another great WW2 twin, long neglected types in FSX. Thanks Milton. :)

For certain and that's why I wanted to do it for a while now. We'll try to have some fun with this one.

How to fly the B26 lots of internal shots...

and 50 hr inspection - might be useful

a bit of colour...

and some Marauder boneyard scenes, North Africa

Ahh, great stuff SPman. Am off to check them over. :jump:
My first Flight Instructor had been a Martin Marauder pilot during the Big One. When asked, he would quietly and very specifically make certain you understood that he flew the "Martin" B-26 and not that Douglas one....
He wouldn't talk about the War but would talk about Flying the B-26. Those conversations spawned a further interest in the airplane. Was the only guy I ever met that had that connection. He said the airplane had a bad reputation for no reason. He said if you respected the machine and its capabilities, flew it by the book, she'd do the job and bring you home. Nothing but respect for him.... He was a fantastic pilot and taught me a finesse for airplanes and lessons that would later save my a** a time or two. He didn't think he was getting through to me but he did...and I will NEVER forget him, and never was able to properly thank him for all that.
Thank you Milton :applause:

I've been hoping for this for many years. I can remember the first time my father-in-law saw MSFS. He was sitting behind me as I loaded up the Dave Eckert model with one of Damien's repaints. As I taxied into position, he leaned forward and said "Remember to watch your airspeed on take-off.." then proceeded to critique my flying for the next 20 minutes.

He was a Marauder Man... a pilot with the 397th BG in France and Holland 1944-45

I have some of his archives (he was fairly involved with the B-26 historical group while he was alive) and several boxes that may include more photos but there never seems to be time to sift through them. I'll try, but it won't be until the end of the month (there's a race to be run first)

I'll also put together a list of all the links I've collected on the aircraft (about 30).
There's a B-26 being restored at the MAPS Museum -one of the three recovered from "Million Dollar Valley" in northern BC with a few photos (none of the landing gear) and they may be willing to help.
There is also the Marauder Archives at the University of Akron (OH)

More later...
While doing lead work around Chicago one day I discovered the man I was interviewing had been a Martin B-26 crew chief at a WWII training school INCONUS. He got as much time in the air in the aircraft as he could. On one trip he was at the airplane when the IP arrived (in his tailored uniform) with a student pilot in tow. He said the student was a "Gee, Mr. Wizard!" kind of guy and the IP took advantage of this once they were up by going to a fairly isolated area and attempting a spin in the aircraft - something my host said was STRICTLY forbidden. The IP put the aircraft into a spin and after about a turn and a half started to apply corrective action, which didn't take right away. This gentleman told me he could actually see the sweat flowing out of the pilot's uniform, soaking it around the chute and seat straps while he worked to regain control. The aircraft had gotten away from the IP but he eventually recovered it. As they wearily climbed back up to a safe altitude he recalled the student saying something like, "Gee, sir, that was interesting but I didn't see everything you did to get us out of that. Do you think you could do that again?"

My host and the pilot shared a knowing look once they were back on the ground, but said nothing to the kid. He told me he never before or since ever saw such a display of utter, stark fear displayed like that by anyone.

He didn't tell me, but I'll bet the IP kept that kid's attention on other things than asking questions in public about what they had done.
Been wanting to do this for a few years now. Just started yesterday.

This project will be managed differently.

I will model it and map it for textures, put together a basic VC panel/gauges, and flight model.

Then I will release the package for you to finish as you wish.

Paint, sounds, panel textures, and effects will be on you. :)

Might be a fun way to get folks involved.

EDIT: By the way, if anyone has access to a POH or Maintenance manual, that would be helpful.
EDIT2: Now have teh POH and Training manuals; thanks. :applause:

Also, the main gear works totally different on the Marauder. If anyone knows of a video that shows gear retraction/extension, that would be helpful.
I have a few basic cockpit pics but if you have access to a "plethora" of such, that too would be helpful. :)

Another nice project Milton. When I have my real life sorted out by the time you are ready to do the mapping I volunteer or the external textures.


You two Gentlemen just made my day!

Loving it!
This is certainly great news, I don't think there has been a detailed Marauder for FS9 since Dave Eckert's superb model, which I'm still flying. I got a CD player installed in that ol' bird.... probably will put one in this model too.

Any news of projects from "Shupe Industries" is always great news.:medals:

Yes! Milton doing a Marauder, this is amazing. I can't help too much with the D, but as for the short wing, which is my favorite variant, I can give you:

A documentary showing the stages of building a B-26, including a landing gear retraction/extension test (external and internal shots):

And the Pilot's Manual for the B-26-MA, B-26A and B-26B:

I hope they're of use to you