Martin Marauder Gold for FS9 has been released

...and a big THANK YOU to you too Mick, for your conversions and all of your Martin paints.
Keep 'em Flying in FS9,

You're very welcome, John.

I couldn't resist one more conversion. It's been uploaded and will be available when Rami gets a chance to do his librarian thing.
Thanks Mick and the artists who made these skins possible for fs9, and this fantastic aircraft from Milton and collaborators. :applause:
I appreciate your efforts Mick; saved me the time to do that for my personal rides in FS9. :applause:

You're more than welcome! And thanks again for the model!

I was tempted to do all of them, but it gets sort of tedious after the first few. Especially since I have twenty-nine skins now. They should hold me for a while. i'm happy to have a good selection of skins now that don't look like they just arrived in the combat zone last week. I'll probably be more likely to fly in them than the ones I painted myself.
Well, I sent a PM to jankees, asking permission to upload some of its textures, and he agreed.

But when I try to upload the first of them, a 13 MB file, I get an error

I've repeated the procedure three times with the same result.:pop4: If the maximum is 510 MB... is there any requirement that I've miss?
Well, I sent a PM to jankees, asking permission to upload some of its textures, and he agreed.

But when I try to upload the first of them, a 13 MB file, I get an error

I've repeated the procedure three times with the same result.:pop4: If the maximum is 510 MB... is there any requirement that I've miss?

I'll have that issue looked at ....
The error is referring to the image size not the add-on size.

Reduce the image in x and y pixel size and it will upload.

Thank you, Dangerousdave, problem solved.:encouragement:

So, soon they will be available in the library the following textures, from jankees, adapted for FS9: Miss Minookie, Tom's Tantalizer and Dee-Feater.

Kind regards
Well, I sent a PM to jankees, asking permission to upload some of its textures, and he agreed...
Thanks for doing that! :ernaehrung004:

I'm especially glad to have "Dee-Feater" as it's the plane depicted by the kit decals of the old Airfix 1/72 scale kit that's been sitting on a shelf in my plastic model room for more than forty years!
Thanks for doing that! :ernaehrung004:

I'm especially glad to have "Dee-Feater" as it's the plane depicted by the kit decals of the old Airfix 1/72 scale kit that's been sitting on a shelf in my plastic model room for more than forty years!

I agree; thanks for doing that Sir. :applause:

Mick, aren't the Winters there still cold and long? The model should have been done years ago. :)
I agree; thanks for doing that Sir. :applause:

Mick, aren't the Winters there still cold and long? The model should have been done years ago. :)

Oh, you misunderstand! It's the built up model that's been sitting there on the shelf, not the kit in the box!

It's actually held up rather well, though I have to keep it at the back of the shelf. It looks pretty good from a few feet away, but it wouldn't stand up to close examination. It's one of the older models on those shelves and I didn't have the skill back then that I did a few decades later.
Ok, guys. With ferondoe's permission, I've uploaded the FS9 texture conversions of Valkyrie (with some bonus, see the readme file), and Heavenly Body.

I hope that these uploads won't be causing problems, now that RTW it is being disputed...
