Martin Mars (Philippine) coming to Pima Air and Space Museum

December 15th update:

The Philippine Mars is having a tough go of it as for the second time in a week, it has had to turn around from its flight to San Francisco due to engine problems. The first time, it was the No. 2 engine; and this time it's the No. 4 engine with possible issues with the No. 3 engine.

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In addition to that, I suspect the weather window is getting tight. AFAIK, the flights must be done VFR and at least the WA/BC area will be starting to see more winter weather. Even though they are probably planning a coastal route, the options for a precautionary landing enroute aren't great if winds are high.
So, unless they can diagnose and repair the engine issues (remember, in spite of all the testing, the bird hasn't flown much in years...) it might mean a delay til spring - an option Coulson probably doesn't, and maybe even more paperwork if the ferry permit(s) expire.
Fingers are crossed, bot holding my breath.
According to Wayne Coulson "a blown cylinder" was the cause of the issue. He is hoping to have it back up in the air shortly for a test flight to determine if they can continue on their journey.

January 8th update:

This is not 100% confirmed, but it seems that Coulson is going to replace the #4 engine and may fly the Philippine Mars back to Sprout Lake for a thorough reinspection of all of the engines.

The image below is from the BC Aviation Museum site. It shows the #4 engine being removed from the Hawaii Mars.


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