MAW Booting Out to Desktop


When flying in MAW sometimes the game stops abruptly and totally crashes out to the desktop. It is my impression that this occurs when certain facilities come into visual range, likely an airbase. To my recollection this has never occurred in the desert, only the greener portions of the map, definitely over Sardinia.
Any ideas, chaps?
I'm having a similar issue when testing Househobbit's Ploetsi missions. I always get a CTD somewhere near the Bulgarian / Rumanian border.

I have swapped the B24s and B17s for Wellingtons, but I still get a CTD. I thought it may have something to do with the Mill_large1B facility file, but after also changing those files for factory files I still get a CTD.

For my next try I am going to remove all the mission facility files and keep just the turning points to see if it still happens.

Of all my CFS3 based installs (including ETO, PTO and OFF), MAW seems to be the only unstable one.

I have had several people tell me they could not test the Poliesti missions before they recieved them..It seems others also have this problem with MAW.
That's why I asked for testers for the mission pack before it was sent out..

Several testers I depended on didn't have a stable MAW setup..
When I reloaded my new computer it did take me three attempts before MAW didn't go to CRT and crash.. Before I had it running right..

And several didn't load the Poliesti missions because their MAW setups were also unstable already..
There must be something I missed when I first loaded it (MAW)
And had to dump it and it took two more re-loads before it ran right for me Too..

I am baffled by the fact several of the people I can normally sent my missions to were unable to test them because of problems with their MAW set ups also..
I'm having a similar issue when testing Househobbit's Ploetsi missions. I always get a CTD somewhere near the Bulgarian / Rumanian border.

I have swapped the B24s and B17s for Wellingtons, but I still get a CTD. I thought it may have something to do with the Mill_large1B facility file, but after also changing those files for factory files I still get a CTD.

For my next try I am going to remove all the mission facility files and keep just the turning points to see if it still happens.

Of all my CFS3 based installs (including ETO, PTO and OFF), MAW seems to be the only unstable one.


Well I tried deleting all the facility files in the mission and I still got a CTD somwehere near the Bulgarian / Rumanian border (while I was warping as per the previous CTDs - it is too long a mission to fly it without warping).

Hopefully one of the gurus here may have an answer?

I could be a problem with spawns. Run the spawns swapper and try the mission in stock spawn mode and no spawn mode.
I have been running in No Spawn mode. There were no mission scripted spawns in the area of the CTD, nor were there any facilities other than those specified in the Global Layer.
I had the impression that it was something that needed to pop up when I got within visual range of a facility, probably a Global Layer airfield.
I was thinking that it may have something to do with a variable unit in a facility file such as "#fighter" or "#gastruck". It never happens in the desert, which uses different airfield facility files.
Try in stock spawn mode, there is an issue with the no spawn mode in MAW. It is the possible cause of your problem.

I really hope that this one will be corrected one day.
I think that the stock spawn mode may generate an unrealistic amount of fighter opposition for the mission series I was working on (Allied medium bomber and fighter-bomber operations over Italy 1944) but I will try it this evening to see if that is the problem with the crashing.
I'll report my results back here. Thanks.
I had the impression that it was something that needed to pop up when I got within visual range of a facility, probably a Global Layer airfield.
I was thinking that it may have something to do with a variable unit in a facility file such as "#fighter" or "#gastruck". It never happens in the desert, which uses different airfield facility files.

Just as a suggestion to the Ploesti team: A limited Global Layer using only facilties relevant to the mission and replace any variable #----- units in the facility files with specific vehicle/aircraft/building xml file names?

I was eventually going to try this myself but my intended area of operations encompasses most of Italy so it will not be something I can complete any time soon. That's why I started this thread, to see if someone had an answer that would require a lot less work. One target area with one mission route would be a lot easier to complete.
Never had this kind of problems before with MAW even though, I've to admit I always used ti fly from the Axis side...
I started these ones the time I wantedf to test these new nice missions from HouseHobbit and installed american planes...
-t may sound weird but...can the issue of these missions be the natiionality of the aircrafts?
In my today thread I underlined the fact that ameican planes cause the game to night time default scenario after flying the stranger thing being I have to fly a german or italia plane to restore the normal daylight default scenarii...
I have no answer but it's defiinetely strange Iu have toi admit!
OK, now I have thought about gianlucabagatti's reply above and I am thinking even more that it might be one of the #-------- variable vehicles/aircraft/buildings in one or more facilities. If he is flying from the Axis side these units are going to show up as a German or Italian vehicle/aircraft/flagpole, etc. I am thinking that it may be one of the Allied units popping up that is causing the crash.
Of course if the Bulgarian/Romanian border area location that this happens at in the Ploesti mission is well within the Axis side of the frontline then I would be wrong.
Hey Guys,

I had the same problem the first time I loaded MAW at the Bulgarian / Rumanian border..
I had to reload MAW three times before it corrected itself..In the last reload..
I can't explain it..
There are 10-12 people now flying the missions with no problems..
And now my set up of MAW isn't causing any problems..
It has to be something in the set up of the install files causing the problem Is all I can gress..
And I do have a Virgin copy of CFS3 loaded properly..
Perhaps one of the experts here can explain what is causing the install files to do this..
I think that the stock spawn mode may generate an unrealistic amount of fighter opposition for the mission series
absolutely. This is just to see if you still suffering CDT's in stock spawn mode.

I was working on (Allied medium bomber and fighter-bomber operations over Italy 1944) but I will try it this evening to see if that is the problem with the crashing.
Trouble is that in no spawn mode, some of the spawns you may build for your missions will not work properly.

What I've done is that I've reworked stock spawns scripts in MAW. Doing this, the 'stock spawn mode' is working as a 'no spawn mode' and there are no issues, such as in ETO.

The reworked spawns scripts are available in my 7./JG26 mission pack for MAW:
HouseHobbit is obviously on the right track and there may be something to gianlucabagatti's theory on sides.

I am still experiencing CTD in stock spawn and no spawn modes. I have not yet downloaded and installed Zep's spawns.
I experienced a CTD in a new location over Italy during a circling turn, so my theories on units in facility files coming into visual range doesn't fly.
I changed the mission nationalities to German and adjusted the frontlines accordingly and did NOT CRASH. (Only tried this once, though.)

I think that I will eventually try the reloads suggested by HouseHobbit, but I think that I will wait to see if anyone answers his query on the installs to avoid doing it multiple times.

In the meantime I don't seem to have any problems with desert or Malta missions.

PS Just tried stock spawn mode with Led Zeppelin's modified spawns and had CTD at the usual location in Sardinia.
In the missions for Poliesti There are NO spawns..
I don't use them in my missions..
I try to keep it as simple as possible, keeping down the amount of items that need to be added for the people to use.
Many have expressed that they do not want to have to load alot of stuff, to use a mission..
Many don't have the ability to understand or the knowage needed to add alot their set ups..
a vast majority that have sent me e-mails on all of this have ask that it should be kelp as easy as possible in the mission set ups.
For they don't always understand how to change or add on to the games..
Just load and fly..
is what most have expressed to me concerning missions..
I made some progress last night. I got it so I could fly North of the Greek boarder by changing out my:


For some reason the ones I had originally installed were all dated a few minutes later than the ones I got from extracting the dr_cfs2maw_c1_v1.3.exe (part 2 of a full reinstall) files to a dummy location. The one noticeable difference is that the older versions include a place called AvH Testing with a 10,000 ft runway in the far NorthEast corner of the map.

It's still unstable in that I sometimes loose keyboard control while I'm flying up there, and the only way out is to fly into the ground. More work required...
I can get most of the way across Bulgaria now, but it's still CTD before I can get into Romania in any one of House Hobbit's missions to Polesti.
Closely watching the performance just prior to the game booting out it looks like an accumulating memory leak. I tried lowering the scenery detail a couple of times, and sure enough I can play through to the objective. So, it's either some ground object in that part of the map that get's suppressed in the lower detail settings, or the fact that there is less of everything so the memory leak takes longer.
It is the scenery stretching that happens at the edges of the GSL..
I learned that dropping the settings reduces this effect..
it happens sometimes in the expansions..