MAW Booting Out to Desktop

Closely watching the performance just prior to the game booting out it looks like an accumulating memory leak. I tried lowering the scenery detail a couple of times, and sure enough I can play through to the objective. So, it's either some ground object in that part of the map that get's suppressed in the lower detail settings, or the fact that there is less of everything so the memory leak takes longer.

I will give that a try and report back (hopefully) tomorrow
Closely watching the performance just prior to the game booting out it looks like an accumulating memory leak. I tried lowering the scenery detail a couple of times, and sure enough I can play through to the objective. So, it's either some ground object in that part of the map that get's suppressed in the lower detail settings, or the fact that there is less of everything so the memory leak takes longer.

Someone give that man a cigar (your Avatar description says you are old enough to smoke).

Previously I had been flying with Scenery on 5 and getting CTD in Bulgaria in the Ploetsi missions. As a first try with a new scenery setting I turned it back to 1 and now for the first time ever I can make it all the way to Ploetsi.:applause:
Yes to all, turn down your levels in MAW for the terrians and scenery and you can fly in Romaina area..There is a Scenery problem there in MAW..Like Off and BHAH it doesn't like being set at Very high settings..
And I shall fill my pipe to rejoice..I have mine at 4..
Yes to all, turn down your levels in MAW for the terrians and scenery and you can fly in Romaina area..There is a Scenery problem there in MAW..Like Off and BHAH it doesn't like being set at Very high settings..
And I shall fill my pipe to rejoice..I have mine at 4..

hi mates, after some failed attempts I also tried the househobbit missions ( a good way to test MAW....) with scenery set to 3 and they worked perfectly (tomorrow I will try with scenery set to 4).
now, to answer somehow to swpierce, I tend as Owen here quoted, to think the problem in MAW is in the scenery itself more than in facilities and so on.
my best regards to u all
Someone give that man a cigar (your Avatar description says you are old enough to smoke).

Previously I had been flying with Scenery on 5 and getting CTD in Bulgaria in the Ploetsi missions. As a first try with a new scenery setting I turned it back to 1 and now for the first time ever I can make it all the way to Ploetsi.:applause:

as a (hopefully) final note from me on this issue setting Scenery to 3 (and terrain 5) I got no CTD for the Ploetsi missions, but with scenery at 4 (or 5) I get CTD.

The only downside is I can now fly all the way to Ploetsi and then get blasted out of the sky with the murderous AAA :)