Yes, anywhere in any expansion there are groups of maximum 8 planes, at least thats my experience. Maybe there is a way to increase the number of planes but at least through mission builder its restricted to 8. Maybe Kodiak can try make it 9 and see what happens.Hi Ganesh,
thanks for adding info from a Mission Builder
so are you saying that for each unit the max number =8?
IIRC you can have multiple units within the spawn file?
Have you encountered a maximum for the number of units (with 8 planes in each unit) in a single spawn file?
(That is as distinct from the example I gave of referring to multiple spawn xmls for the one die entry in a spawn table.)
I only work through mission builder coz im not a whizz but the principle is the same i think.
The mission in the pic has 117 planes in it, in 15 units and up till now no restrictions regarding maximum nr of units. But i don't know if the mission builder creates separate spawnfiles or puts them together. I will send you the .xml so you can read it in notepad.