:help: MAW/ETO/Solomon/Korea/OFF2 Yep, there all depending on CFS3 and I'm flying them. Can I still use them after deleting OFF2 and installing OFF3. Or do I take extra actions to avoid problems.
It is my understanding that OFFBHAH does nothing to alter your other installs.If you wish to take steps to further protect them why not rename the directories in which they reside.Then reinstall CFS3 as a vanilla. Then install OFF. Then go back and rename you other directories to their original names
You will need a vanilla version of CFS for the installation process to run properly.
I expect one of the dev team will comment if they see this thread
You will need a vanilla version of CFS for the installation process to run properly.
Huh...and here i was with the impression that for P3 i don´t need to have CFS3 installed at all.:isadizzy:
what is a vanilla
When people say 'vanilla', they mean 'unmodified' or 'plain'. You should install OFF only over a clean fresh install of csf3.
Fortiesboy, you may be correct. I had a look at the FAQ and it appears that a fresh install of CS3 may only be needed as a last resort when having problems. Me personally, I always install over a clean CSF3 just to play it safe.
From the FAQ
If you are having problems getting OFF working here are some things to be aware of:
4) Create a clean CFS3 install to work from : Other errors are most likely due to problems copying from your "standard" heavily modified CFS3.