the MSFS category isn't listed under the Download button".
Hello DennyA,
In the
Downloads section, you can easily find the heading
MSFS natives aircrafts: the section contains 4 pages and
MSFS aircrafts are on page 2 ! ISince 2013 you have develop a lot of addons and a single page is no longer enough
For each addon that I publish, I create an English localization to
help our english and american friends to find themselves more easily on our French site
. You have just to click on the english flag which is on the first page (Left top near the banner).
Sorry if I don't post for the last version v1.5.0, but since June 27th I updated twice the post with version 1.1.0 and 1.3.0 and I didn't see any reaction so I didn't insist on v1.5.0 which is indeed the last one.
For the second point: the download find on flightsim.to has only one repaint and it is the last version of the 3D model : v1.5.0. Yes, this is intentional and the
only complete archive (v1.5.0 with 6 repaints) is on my site.
The F-PYXE is a replica model that I have create for the son of
Henri TALAGRAND, who build the real aircraft and as he do not succed to download from my home page, I decided to try flightsim.to ...