Mike Stone's Aircraft


Charter Member
Hi Simmers,

I know this subject is mentioned in another thread but I thought I would let you know that the site is now basically finalised.

108 FREE FS2004 Aircraft models - and access to lots of FREE repaints of some of the aircraft.

Things that have changes since I first created the site are:

New Statistic's page added to show number of downloads per aircraft.

All aircraft downloads are converted back to a Zip file which simply unzip into the FS2004 aircraft Directory - removed the EXE installer and therefore removed the "uninstall" entries for each of them.

All aircraft have been independently checked and all liveries included with each aircraft have now been clearly listed.

All have a highlight if a "Blank Textures" - Paint kit set exists for the aircraft.

I have recovered some more of my archived artwork for some of his models.

So where do you get access to all of these aircraft:

And what do you get access to: (sorry big picture for a big number of aircraft)

Regards and happy simming.
Mike was unfortunately required to give up the Aircraft Modelling hobby due to health reasons and also due to the frustrations of frequent abuse from simmers who openly plagerised his work and the frequent demands for alterations and wish lists, and often agressive critiques because he would not waver from his KISS development strategies for his models.

Mike developed hundreds of models over his modelling time - FS2000, FS2002 and FS2004 aircraft - unfortunately many of his FS2000 and FS2002 models are now gone - some he migrated to FS2004 before giving up the game - but many others are now lost - and that is a shame for the simming community.

But we are at least fortunate to have, with Mike's consent, all of his FS2004 releases now again available from a single site for the simming pleasure of us all. For that I am grateful that Mike has allowed me to present and host them for your convenience.

THANK YOU Garry and Mike, I guess I'll never understand why people complain about something GIVEN to them......:faint:
WOW! Thank you Garry for taking the time and resources to provide this terrific catalog. And thanks to Mike for all of his work and willingness to share.



I will certainly echo the above remarks and thank you for all the efforts to keep these works and your textures available to the community.

Kind Regards
Thank you Garry for taking the time and effort to collect all of Mike's aircraft and hosting them on your site.


That pic really puts the variety of Mike's work into perspective! There's a few that I see in there that I'd forgotten about - I need to reinstall some of them and take them up for another spin!:friday:
Goodonya Garry.
That's a big archiving task you have undertaken, and a valuable resource.
I've already dived in and found a PAC 750 I knew existed but couldn't find.
If it's not rude to ask, what prompted you to host the files?
HI Good People,

Thanks for the positive feedback on hosting Mike's AC and the time and effort involved in getting it all organised and republished. With Mike's full consent of course :wiggle:

In relation to why am I doing this, well there is a couple of reasons

(1) I moved to a new server recently with lots of space

(2) Seeing a growing plethora of "hybrid" Mike Stone aircraft being patched and released with unauthorised and often incorrect "fixes" or "upgrades"

(3) Believing in a real need to have Mike's original work being brought back to the fore so that simmers could have access to the original aircraft as released by Mike.

(4) Putting in the effort to create a New Home for Mike's aircraft is only a fraction of what Mike did during his development phase and it was an opportunity that allows me to repay Mike for his contributions to the simming community and the enjoyment I have in painting his creations.

Lastly and most importantly, I did not want all of Mike's efforts to simply vanish into the vagaries of the black holes that can happen - his outstanding volume of contributions to the community deserved much better than that........

Regards and enjoy them all in the goodwill manner that they were created by Mike for the FREE download and pleasure of all.
...I've already dived in and found a PAC 750 I knew existed but couldn't find...
No sooner said than done...
These models make good AI, and our newer computers shouldn't have any difficulty handling a Slew of Stones.
There's that blue/white striped PAC 750 in the background at home base NZAP Taupo.
I'm not sure, Wild Bill, but maybe it's the hardware around you that's "accursed". link took me right to the site...
Hi Markus,

The server which holds my gjsmith.net site and the Mike Stone aircraft - seems fine - couple of hundred visitors overnight and several hundred downloads of Mike's aircraft and my textures.

The only thing that could cause a titch of a problem is I have some JavaScript on the Statistics page that counts the downloads for Mike's aircraft. Some people have "JavaScript" disabled - but that should only interfer with viewing the one page.

There is also the occassional Server not there that happens for every server - sometimes maintenance, sometimes vagaries of the internet, sometimes hardware/software settings clashes. Can't avoid that.

It could also be a "too many issues" - however, when I first launched the Mike Stone pages I had over 3000 people visits per day to the site over three consecutive days and not a problem experienced or any issues brought to my attention.

There was something 'special' about modeling back in those days, it was all so simple and carefree and Mike Stones models epitomised that freedom and open form of modeling and enjoyment, these days if it doesnt have the correct number of screws for the ashtray a modeller is hammered back to the previous century, sometimes I wonder if we're actually going backwards in all this ?.

Well done Garry for collecting and organising a very important part of our FS heritage, because thats exactly what it is, a slice, and a large one of where we came from and from days past where the main factor of FS was 'Fun'.


We (at Transload Airlines) always used to asked him when he was going to model a flushing toliet. During our online flights, he would read some of the e-mails he got regarding his aircraft. We all would get a good laugh out of some of them. Others were down right cruel.