Mike Stone's Aircraft

Not a problem mate - just the vagaries of the internet I guess. Happens to us all when trying to access various sites every now and again. Complex environment based on 1980 concepts, patched by millions, powered by ambigious sources, spread over tens of millions of servers all using different hardware and software and of various vintages, and of course managed loosely by many "experts".

It's got to go wrong every now and again.....:173go1:
great job Garry, i still use mikes planes on a daily basis, first plane i learnt to repaint was mike stones Saab-340, and i'm still repainting them today... i agree that KISS is better in a lot of ways, people new to the hobby don't get confused as easily and theres numerous other resons, i'm sure we can all think of one. i remember the old PMStone Forum days, Mike, Tom clayton, Highlander etc... good times... shame he gave it up but again, Great work Garry on the textures and archiving them and thanks to Mike for the wonderful aircraft some of which nobody else has touched...

Matt :rapture:
great job Garry, i still use mikes planes on a daily basis, first plane i learnt to repaint was mike stones Saab-340, and i'm still repainting them today... i agree that KISS is better in a lot of ways, people new to the hobby don't get confused as easily and theres numerous other resons, i'm sure we can all think of one. i remember the old PMStone Forum days, Mike, Tom clayton, Highlander etc... good times... shame he gave it up but again, Great work Garry on the textures and archiving them and thanks to Mike for the wonderful aircraft some of which nobody else has touched...

Matt :rapture:
Man - that has been a while!:faint:
We (at Transload Airlines) always used to asked him when he was going to model a flushing toliet. During our online flights, he would read some of the e-mails he got regarding his aircraft. We all would get a good laugh out of some of them. Others were down right cruel.

Mate, you should see what sort of emails I get sometimes being an admin here and there around the traps, it is incredible how incredibly rude and obnoxious some people can be, I surely cannot blame Mike for leaving the hobby when he did :(
Garry J. Smith passed away in October last year. I don't think his web-site was continued.

Ed Moore continued the Ford Trimotor sections of the site:


It appears that the rest of Garry's site, including the rest of Garry's skins and the Mike Stone and Milton Shupe repositories, were not preserved.

It's too bad. Mike modeled some planes that aren't available from other modelers, and even if one doesn't like to fly without a VC, Mike's models are great for AI and for conversion to static models.

And one always has the option of making a non-dynamic pseudo VC by making the external model visible in VC view, which at least gives the visual impression of looking out the windows rather than being suspended in mid-air.

I suppose Mike's models are still available on the big download sites, easily found if one knows what they're looking for. But generating a list to peruse would be difficult because of the way AvSim and FlightSim set up their search pages. They don't seem to have a simple way of getting all the original models without the gazillions of repaints. It's a shame that the models aren't available in one place anymore.
You will have the list there (all the pages "at left" will show ...... )


Note that the download links don't work anymore !
Thank you all. I asked my question because Mike Stone's site had pictures of every aircraft. When I heard years ago that he was packing up, I downloaded all his aircraft for safe keeping into an external drive.

When I later heard of the G.J.Smith/Stone web site I checked it & saw he had the same pictures too. A recent check didn't get me what I wanted, as I've said.

The link to the Smith site I see has no pictures. I didn't check to see if any links there work as I have all Mike's aircraft.

Many thanks.
Terry Wallis.
Thank you all. I asked my question because Mike Stone's site had pictures of every aircraft. When I heard years ago that he was packing up, I downloaded all his aircraft for safe keeping into an external drive.

When I later heard of the G.J.Smith/Stone web site I checked it & saw he had the same pictures too. A recent check didn't get me what I wanted, as I've said.

The link to the Smith site I see has no pictures. I didn't check to see if any links there work as I have all Mike's aircraft.

Many thanks.
Terry Wallis.

Is it at all possible to get hold of the collection?
I found this...

Quote.." About This File

This is my attempt to salvage the files from being lost for forever. Every model he ever made is in this file. I did get permission from Mr Mike Stone himself. I am not making ANY money out of this and I think his legacy should be honoured hence I have put it up for all those people that DID appreciate Mike's efforts."

Mike Stone.. a much forgotten & unappreciated developer.
His add-on's are not as detailed as others may be, but are really fun to fly.
Remember, our hobby is meant to be Fun, Facts & Fiction!

We need to preserve the legacy of our forgotten developers, including the late Garry Smith, who gave so much freely to our hobby, without thanks, & with often with much undeserved criticism, causing them to leave our hobby!

Can anyone confirm if this collection is complete?


I have a separate install of all Garry's stuff from http://www.ford-tri-motor.net/
I'm using only the scenery from there, all the add-on planes & textures, & I was lucky still to get Milton's older stuff. I've also added quite a bit of unusual planes planes as well, including some strange CFS2 planes such as a B17 with canards! (from our library)

I was getting very bored with the usual point-to-point flying, when I found the Ford site. To cut a long story short, I ended up being a beta tester for Garry, for an unreleased ' Death Star' project that also included some of Mike's planes. I've ended up flying my Ford Project install exclusively now, with sloping runways & ramps. I've added in Bill Lyon's add-ins as well, so I can use a skier to go down the ramps, as well as an Oldsmobile to drive around banked ovals.

It's just my appreciation for those forgotten freeware developers out there.

FS2004 still rocks!
It appears the link within the Ford Tri Motor site to all of the Milton Shupe titles that Garry/Ed were hosting is now ten toes up. Clicking on the panel for Milton's models takes you to the same "Games Factory" page. I believe I have all of the older planes that Milton did before he closed his site and moved his files over to Garry's site...

It does seem that all the repository areas, including Garry's Aircraft textures, are gone.
Thanks to Ed Moore, we still, for the moment have the Ford site.

Would it be possible to somehow collect all the missing in action files, Milton's & Mike Stones, & put them in a safe place?
I'm sure that there is still some interest in them?
I know Mr. Smith had a note on his site saying that his site was to be the only upload location for his work. Would it be out of order now to perhaps create a Legacy section in the library, similar to how the work of Usio and Talon have been preserved? I'm sure many of us have at least some of his work from over the years, and I would hate to see it be lost completely. Likewise with any of the other work that could only be found on Garry's site (Mike Stone, etc).

Little memory that came to mind while typing this - the first time I managed to create a custom AI flightplan that worked was Mike Stone's A320 in a Garry Smith repaint.
Mmmm, interesting. My Avast found the file OK & I downloaded it again without any issues, rechecked & scan'd it, & installed a few of the files.

I think, because the zip is filled with exe's, AVG sees it as a false positive!.:encouragement: