Wild Bill Kelso
Charter Member 2011
Thanks, Garry!
Everything fine now!
Dunno what it was...
Everything fine now!
Dunno what it was...
Man - that has been a while!:faint:great job Garry, i still use mikes planes on a daily basis, first plane i learnt to repaint was mike stones Saab-340, and i'm still repainting them today... i agree that KISS is better in a lot of ways, people new to the hobby don't get confused as easily and theres numerous other resons, i'm sure we can all think of one. i remember the old PMStone Forum days, Mike, Tom clayton, Highlander etc... good times... shame he gave it up but again, Great work Garry on the textures and archiving them and thanks to Mike for the wonderful aircraft some of which nobody else has touched...
We (at Transload Airlines) always used to asked him when he was going to model a flushing toliet. During our online flights, he would read some of the e-mails he got regarding his aircraft. We all would get a good laugh out of some of them. Others were down right cruel.
Thank you all. I asked my question because Mike Stone's site had pictures of every aircraft. When I heard years ago that he was packing up, I downloaded all his aircraft for safe keeping into an external drive.
When I later heard of the G.J.Smith/Stone web site I checked it & saw he had the same pictures too. A recent check didn't get me what I wanted, as I've said.
The link to the Smith site I see has no pictures. I didn't check to see if any links there work as I have all Mike's aircraft.
Many thanks.
Terry Wallis.