Milton Shupe featured on home page


Charter Member
A very nice write up of our Milton Shupe and history of his projects. Thank you for sharing your projects with us over all these years. My favorite is still the Dash 7 projects and in particular the Ice Recon version. As a kid i remember watching the Dash 7 prototype put through its paces doing crosswind landings at our local airport and then flying on them a few years later when our local airline Time Air started using them. Your model always brings back great memories. Thanks for all that you do and hope the B-26 isnt the last of the FS9 projects as you say in the article its almost impossible to get enough interest in a project anymore. You sir are a true master of your craft and a top notch gentleman.
Great article and thanks again to Milton for all of his hard work and dedication to the flight sim community.
So many beautiful models over the years. Thank you so much, Milton, for all your dedication, and attention to the making of these wonderful aircraft. Good luck in your projects in the future.

"Thank you" doesn't seem quite adequate for a catalog of work that is much greater in scope than I realized. I'm still going to say it.... Thank you​.
A good time to say many thanks to Milton Shupe.

And also, thanks to all the people, which supports him, to build so
many brilliant free of charge gems,which i really appreciate.
Many of my purchased aircraft gets very dusty in my virtual hangar
over the years,because I decide very often to take Miltons wonderful airplanes.
Thanks to his tireless work, we can now enjoy them all in P3Dv4 as well.

Thank you very much !!!


Well, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, appreciation, and sentiments.

The article is nice recognition and hopefully will introduce some to the team's work over the years.

Allow me to just post an article section regarding team:

"• A: As explained above, but there is one thing everyone should recognize. A project is only as good as the team members and it is they who make the project what it is to become. My work would be nothing without the contributions of a talented team. I have been blessed with many very talented, enthusiastic, and flexible team members over the past 16 years.

These are some examples: Scott Thomas (panel and gauges for 10 years), Richard Murray (A-20 Invader panel and gauges), Joáo Paz (early Dash 7 and Howard 500), André Folkers (Aero Commander series), Damian Radice (D18S, AT-11, DH80A, Race cars, XA-38 Grizzly), (Urs Burkhardt (Spartan Executive), Mike Kelly (Dash 7 and XP-54), Rui Cristina (Mallard Classic), Nigel Richards (Avia 57 and -56, Harpoon, XP-47J, XP-72, HMS Bounty, Mallard, and sounds), Bruce Ellis (A-20 Havoc, Mallard, Lodestar), James Banks (XP-54, Fleet 50), Steve Bryant (Grumman Tracker, Marauder, XP-47H), Martial Feron (Marauder, Grumman Tracker), Rachel Whiteford (Lodestar, Ventura), Rick Macintosh (XP-92A), Tom Falley (Flight Models /FDE)."

There were other team contributors too, and then there is you, the community of supporters who help with resources, inspiration, and support. So, with all that, the team is broad, wide and deep with knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Hard not to succeed with that, huh?

Thank you :wavey:
Its a team effort, but Milton you are definitely the conductor who makes it the perfect orchestra :encouragement:

I finally got around to looking at the interview

As everyone here has already said, the appreciation I feel towards Milton and his teams work is immense! BY FAR, I log more hours in Milton and Co. airplanes than ANY other.. including payware GIANTS!!

I'll say it again.. thank you so much for your contribution to this little hobby of ours.

Even my wife thanks you.. She sees the enjoyment I get from flying and painting your work... and it keeps me off the streets at night! LOL

Yes, Milton is THE MAESTRO, coaxing simulation symphonies from his team of dedicated artists! I keep Milton's creations in my hangar at all times! Thank you sir, for the decades of lovely flight simulation addons!