Mirage 2000C Released

Johan, FYI:

[FONT=courier new]station_load.0  = 220,   0,   0.000,  0.000, "Pilot"
station_load.1  =  12,   0, -10.774, -2.887, "STA1"  ;0  R550=12        pylon=5
station_load.2  =  20,   0,  -7.635, -2.887, "STA2"  ;1  RP541 tank=20  S530=13    pylon=8
station_load.3  =   0,   0,  -3.583, -2.549, "BL1"   ;2
station_load.4  =   0,   0,  -2.611, -2.493, "BL2"   ;3
station_load.5  =   1,   0,  -0.327,  0.429, "LGUN"  ;4
station_load.6  =   0,   0,   0.000, -2.530, "STA3"  ;5  RP522 tank=21  pylon=5
station_load.7  =   1,   0,   0.327,  0.429, "RGUN"  ;6
station_load.8  =   0,   0,   3.583, -2.549, "BL3"   ;7
station_load.9  =   0,   0,   2.611, -2.493, "BL4"   ;8
station_load.10 =  20,   0,   7.635, -2.887, "STA4"  ;9  RP541 tank=20  S530=13    pylon=8
station_load.11 =  12,   0,  10.774, -2.887, "STA5"  ;10 R550=12        pylon=5
Water is my problem, if I fly over water the CCIP is all over the place or expecting to drop a bomb to bottom of the sea... Over land its OK... Posted over at Metal2Mesh forum my findings...