Mission Buiding and weather xmls


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Hey, want to add about 25-30 knots of head wind to a mission so I can mimic a carrier takeoff. First, I imagine that the windspeed parameter is in meters (maybe knots) like all else in the game, second, if and airbase has an angle of 69 degrees this means that the plane is facing east north east at 69, so my question is to make head on wind is the windir parameter 69 degrees or 249? For those that are curious yes I am making a flightmodel for a carrier based plane, not telling which one(s) but hell you should know ........:wavey:

I don't know anything at wheather xml files but bave a look at 'rbp71854' Dragoon missions he made for ETO, you may find some answers.
Hi Ted,

Guess you've seen this but in the weather xmls are these entries:

<Weather Name="Clear">
<BackgroundWeather skyboxCloudType="NoClouds" fogColor="4288332017" Windspeed="0" windDir="0" >

I think you'll need to add 180 deg to your heading to get the wind in your face. The cfs3 wind doesn't seem to act like you'd think, it turns the aircraft on its axis so you can be flying sideways!

Flying from Tangere (well somewhere on the coast across from France) runway at 69 degrees base aligned to 0, winddir 230 seems to work. Once airborne plane forced to head due north? Well at least I can mimic 30 knots of wind, 25 knots of ship speed and 5 knots oof wind.

Catapults would be better but ......:jump:
Regarding the catapult, there was a trick a long time ago: setup the boost to a very high value and available for only a very few seconds.

When you take off from an aircraft carrier, just open full throttle and start the wep. Stop the wep immediately after you are airborne and before your engine is damaged..

The only problem with this system is that you don't have any wep available four your mission.
Wind Direction & Carrier Takeoff

Wind Direction is expressed as the direction the wind is FROM. To have a head wind for a takeoff from a runway "069" the wind would be "069/25" or "069/30". Wind speed is expressed in "Knots".

SPQR33 has a "Carrier Takeoff Instruction" in the Archive / Other. Carrier_Take_Off_Instructions.zip
Hope this helps.
wind direction

Well you would think so, but if I make the wind from 69, I get no change in the airspeed of the sitting plane. However, as I said earlier if it is at 230, then airspeed at rest is my 25 knots (oh, I beg to differ about speed of wind). I set my speed to 10 and get 22 knots or about 26 of so mph. The 10 is meters per second. I could be wrong but I'll play around some more. Wish O-1 was around still .....
Flying from Tangere (well somewhere on the coast across from France) runway at 69 degrees base aligned to 0, winddir 230 seems to work. Once airborne plane forced to head due north? Well at least I can mimic 30 knots of wind, 25 knots of ship speed and 5 knots oof wind.

Catapults would be better but ......:jump:

Master Nachtpiloten,
I can set up a capapult launch for you in a mission..
Off a CAM ship or carrier..
not a problem..
Well you would think so, but if I make the wind from 69, I get no change in the airspeed of the sitting plane. However, as I said earlier if it is at 230, then airspeed at rest is my 25 knots (oh, I beg to differ about speed of wind). I set my speed to 10 and get 22 knots or about 26 of so mph. The 10 is meters per second. I could be wrong but I'll play around some more. Wish O-1 was around still .....

Good morning Ted. In the ETO weather files and missions are a number of weather files with wind and they are of two types, localized and entire. Look under the different cumulus files and you should see "Low Cumulus wind 5" or wind 10, or wind 15. Also I made some localized winds for carrier missions. To make a wind that is just for an immediate area (around the carrier) and not everywhere thruout the mission do the following:

1. The wind is 180 degrees from the value posted in the weather xml (090 is actually 270).
2. Use Cardinal headings when aligning your carrier for simplicity, 0, 090, 180, 270 etc.
3. Take a known un moving object that you can remember (if a ship don't get it lost among a bunch of others) and using this object place it in MB multiple times and use it to draw either a triangle or rectangle around the carrier. There is a quirk in CFS3 when doing this that if you get too close in it will not work.
4. Pull up the mission in notepad and note the lat long coordinates, these will be used to establish the boundaries for the geographic wind limits. Look at the others I have done and simply copy the format.
5. Place the aircraft on the carrier deck and start the mission each time noting whether you are getting a rise in your air speed indicator.
6. Select the wind gradient that best matches your need and you are good to go.

You can also build variable weather using this method, there are a large number of weather files in ETO where I made the weather either cloudy in France and clear in the UK or vice versa. ETO is a veritable treasure chest of exotic weather files.

I forgot to add that you can also use this on land to create crosswind landings when a pilot arrives at a base.

Good luck,

Best Regards,

Thanks for the info. I was just wanting to make wind at an airfiled to mimic a carrier launch. The 180 difference is right on as the 69 degree alignment on the airfiled is 249 which was what I found out through trial and error. Hope your restoration projects are working well. I wish you make me the IR effect for my Do 17.........:icon_lol: