MJ's C-47 USAF Air Rescue Service

No worries, Duckie! (BTW sorry for spelling your screen name wrong in my previous post)!

BTW were you able to get your aerial issue fixed?

Alan View attachment 93923

Man, if I was gigged for the spelling butcher jobs I do there wouldn't be mutch left!

Yes, thanks for asking :salute:, Tom Gibson posted a tip of where to look and, lo and behold, that's were it was! :salute: :salute: :icon_lol:

So greatful for all the knowledge (and wisdom too) of the kind folks here in "our FS9" forum, and the unselfish willingness to share it with those of us who need all the help we can get!

Duckie,Thanks for this lovely re-paint of Manfred's great C-47. You have a great back-up team, but in the end you are the one posting it up on the board! Always really appreciate your work and the time that goes into them.RgdsMal
Duckie,Thanks for this lovely re-paint of Manfred's great C-47. You have a great back-up team, but in the end you are the one posting it up on the board! Always really appreciate your work and the time that goes into them.RgdsMal

Thank you, Mal.

Hey Duckie --

Just saw this in the New Downloads section, so... I grabbed it. Now I'm just waiting for the paperwork to go through so I can get Manfred's C-47 out of mothballs and back to flight status... lol!

Beautifully done, mate, I like how the colour of leading edges of the wings and tail have faded. She looks like she was "pressganged" into that role rather quickly with that paint. Thanks for your exceptional artwork for this plane. :medals:

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:




Hey Duckie --

Just saw this in the New Downloads section, so... I grabbed it. Now I'm just waiting for the paperwork to go through so I can get Manfred's C-47 out of mothballs and back to flight status... lol!

Beautifully done, mate, I like how the colour of leading edges of the wings and tail have faded. She looks like she was "pressganged" into that role rather quickly with that paint. Thanks for your exceptional artwork for this plane. :medals:

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:

BB686 - Thank you. It's a well done exterior model and the paint kit is easy to work with. Tinkering with a couple more in the paint shop.

Navtech said:

Great pics. Thanks for posting. :salute:
Just a side note.... If anyone flying this superb C-47 (with any paint scheme loaded) is experiencing degradation in ground textures.. i.e. "The Blurries", just PM me and I'll send you the fix I have which eliminates that completely. I recently placed this model back into my FS9 install, and had that happen with the RAF version. Turns out it's only with some video cards.

Duckie, I'm looking forward to seeing what you're "tinkering with" here soon...:salute:

With modified textures (no changes for me as I had no blurries wit a ATI HD 4850 - 512MB)

At Dawnson Creek
Actually I had no problems with my faster machine, with the Ati PCI Graphics System at 1GB, but my slower PC uses an Ati Sapphire AGP card with 512MB and the blurries went away with the fix.
