Moderator info


Charter Member the last few days I've recieved some PM's from members pointing out various potential hassles in some threads. I will watch these things when I can but I need to inform you that right now I am undergoing
some medical stuff that's leaving me pretty sick for most of the week so the best thing to do is to inform Henry or one of the other mods, Mopar Mike or Rami perhaps, if there is something that the mods or admins need to pay attention to. I will be around when I'm up to it but lately I havn't really felt like sitting in front of the computer much as I've been feeeling pretty funky.
I did however, just notice that P3 is finally available so I guess tomorrow I will make an order myself.
As always, I encourage all you folks to be helpful, patient with FNG's and try and keep the political stuff and off the wall jokes outta here. As thw weeks go on I will hopefully begin to feel better and therefore will be able to spend a lot more time in the forums.

Thanks, middle
get well soon Mid

you and the job you do with dilligence and grace is much appreciated. you have the right mix of character and mature knowledge to be the top knotch modderator you are.

thanks for a job well done,
Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope you get better soon. That bearskin and that .357 need some use. Get well soon!

Take care of yourself Middle, and get well. I am sure we can all be on our best behaviour in the mean time....a pretty good bunch on the whole :typing:.
Hope you're feeling better soon Middle.....taking care of yourself is much more important than taking care of us.
I wish you a speedy recovery, Middle. We'll try to be good whilst you're away.

Yes hope you're feeling better soon, I was honestly suprized at some of my garbage, that was actually allowed. I've grown to expect the old draconian censorship. For jokes I post at Canelo's, and politics go to a non SOH site. I promise to be a good boy ( it ain't easy ) as it is I was throttling back on the adult language. Not looking to test the parameters of my new-found freedoms. Sooo who knew ?:ernae:
Sorry to hear that Middle, take it easy and get better soon!
Best wishes, Middle. Your absence has shown what a great job you were doing. Thank you very much for your effort and we all are pulling for you.
To all,

I'm sorry for not being more on the ball about these threads. I'm still learning the ropes in the CFS3 / OFF forums.

If you guys need any help, I'm helping to cover for Middle until he feels better. Don't be afraid to give me a ring if you guys need anything. :wavey:
Get well soon Middle. Stay off your feet, heal fast and come back soon. :)

All the best,

Hope you're feeling better, soon. By the way, I sort of miss the hula guy.
All the best to you Middle. Have lots of chicken soup, put your head down on a fresh fluffy pillow, snuggle up with a warm blanket, then just let yourself drift off to sleep, peaceful sleep and lots of it.

Thanks for the great job you do.

Thanks, Middle. Get some rest and don't rush back too fast before you are fully recovered. :faint:
Middle, Hope you feel better soon. I know you guys have a difficult and somtimes dicey job as moderator. I for one appreciate your efforts.
Hey WF2, if I ever get sick, I would love to hear those same sort of comforting words. Reminds me of my Momma saying almost the same thing many, many years ago. Thanks for the reminder.
just heal first get well soon ;-) and we read you again when you up to it :)